🖤Arthur- Night out

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1 year and 2 months! 1 year and 2 months since Arthur and y/n had been for a night out. They used to go every weekend but then y/n found out she was pregnant. The couple were thrilled and y/n decided not to drink during her pregnancy. Most people said it didn't harm the baby. But it wasn't an easy pregnancy so the woman was taking no chances and sticking to a very healthy diet. Arthur gave up drinking for 9 months aswell to show his love for his wife and child

"We're doing this together and im not gonna get drunk if I can't have my favourite girl with me" he would tell her. Since her birth, they have been too hooked and tired to go anywhere so just stayed home with their daughter. Well now their daughter was 5 months old and her name was evangeline Marie shelby

"Who's daddy's favourite girl? You are! Yes you are" Arthur said in a baby voice, blowing raspberries on evangeline stomach as she squealed with laughter. Only evangeline and y/n would ever get to see him like this

"Am I interrupting something?" Tommy asked making Arthur jump out his arm chair in shock

"Jesus, don't you ever fucking knock?" Arthur asks as all his brothers come in and make themselves at home

"Y/n let us in" John said taking a cigarette from Arthur's packet which lay on the coffee table

"No, no smoking around evangeline" Arthur said taking it from John's hands and putting it in the bin

"You're having a laugh?"

"No I'm not John. You know how close we were to losing her and she's only just got better. No smoking, no drinking" it was true sadly. You see, y/n had bled at 5 weeks, just a day after finding out she was pregnant. She didn't lose the baby but was high risk and suffered terrible sickness all pregnancy. And giving birth, y/n had passed out from blood loss and had to be rushed to hospital, nearly dying. And then 2 weeks after Evangeline was born, she was rushed into hospital middle of the night and stayed their for 3 months, nearly losing her on multiple occasions. So now she was home and better than she'd ever been, the couple were being very careful and lived a very nervous life

"Why are you here anyway?" Arthur asked bouncing evangeline on his hip as she got fussy

"We are giving you a night off. You and y/n will go clubbing, get pissed and enjoy yourselves. Meanwhile, we will look after evangeline. Tommy is here to look after her, John is here because he has the most experience, and I am here for moral support also I have fuck all to do with my life so this is what it's come to" finn said slightly annoyed

"Thanks but no. There is no way me and y/n are leaving evangeline for the night. If something happens and we arent-"

"Arthur, go up to your room and look at your wife. She is bored and stressed and anxious. Evangeline will be fine and if anything happens, we will inform you as soon as. If you won't do this for yourself, then do it for y/n. She needs something to take her mind off it all. Spends all day worrying about her daughter and has no time to treat herself. Now go upstairs, tell y/n, get ready and go" John tells him

"I don't know about this" Arthur looks down at the gurgling baby in his arms and gives her a small smile. For her mother. For his wife. He would do anything to make her happy

"OK fine. I'll go and tell y/n" Arthur carries evangeline upstairs and goes to see y/n hanging up some newly washed clothes

"Hello love. Listen, the boys have had an idea. They'll watch evangeline whilst we go out for the night. What'd you say?"

"Oh honey, I'm not sure. It sounds lovely but I don't think it's worth the risk of leaving her" y/n thinks

"Come on babe, we're both stressed and need a break. I wasn't sure at first either. I'm still not sure, but we need this" Arthur says. Y/n agrees and hugs Arthur before kissing evangeline. The couple get dressed and go downstairs, giving Tommy the baby

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