Tommy- Mute

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Y/n and Tommy have been married for 12years. In those 12 years, they had a daughter. Anne Marie Shelby. She is 11 years old, and during these 11 years, the girl hasn't said a single word. She communicates, she can read, write, show emotion and handle her emotions, but she has never spoke. Tommy and y/n have taken her to speech therapy but the only solution they were given was to send her to a mental institution which they refused. So they were simply allowing Anne to develop at her own pace

Tommy was walking hand in hand with his daughter as she smiled happily

"So, what do you want for your birthday love? Remember, you'll be 12. That's a big birthday. So you can have whatever you like" Tommy tells her making her beam even more. She pulls on his arm making Tommy look down. He follows her gaze to a lady who is walking her dog

"Sweetheart, you know I would love to get you a puppy. But, the thing is, a puppy needs to be told what to do. Otherwise the dog can become dangerous or disobedient. I'm sorry honey, but maybe a dog isn't the best idea. Perhaps in the future when you are more comfortable with talking" Anne looks down sadly making Tommy's heart break. She wants to talk. Her knows she does. She just isn't sure how to even start

When they get home, Anne storms off straight to her bed and slams the door. Y/n appears from the living room to greet her husband

"What's wrong with Anne?" Y/n asks

"I said she couldn't have a puppy because she wouldn't be able to give it command's. It would be out of control. I feel awful, but she can't have a dog if she can't teach it" y/n sighs, knowing he is right but it is a shit position to be in. They kiss softly

"I'll go speak with her" y/n walks up stairs and sits on Anne's bed

"Hi darling. Your dad is really sorry. He would love to get you a dog but he just can't. It wouldn't be fair on the dog because he wouldn't be trained. I'm sorry sweetheart. Don't be mad at him, you know if he could get you the world, he would, but some things just aren't possible or aren't safe. Come on, let's go downstairs for some dinner" Anne nods sadly, holding y/ns hand as they walk downstairs to the dining room. When they get there, Anne hugs tommy and kisses his cheek to show that she isn't angry at him anymore

The next day, Anne was in the betting den eating Arthur's sandwich

"Anne, you bugger!" He yells when he realises she has ate it. She starts laughing and runs away from his desk as he lunges for her. In doing so, she runs into tommy who lifts her up

"Eating your uncles food? If you're hungry, just tell us and we'll find you something to eat" he says kissing her nose as she reads her head on his shoulder

"And Arthur, don't be such a baby" Tommy tells him

"Oh fuck off" Arthur grumbles making Anne gasp

"Language!" Tommy scolds. You might think this is ironic. But they never swear infront of Anne. They aren't sure if she chooses not to talk, or if she physically can't. But they don't want her to learn that kind of language either way

Y/n walks in and kisses her husband and daughter

"I have a surprise for you" y/n says to Anne. Y/n walks out and then a moment later, she reappears with a puppy

 Y/n walks out and then a moment later, she reappears with a puppy

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Anne's eyes light up as she rushes over to play with the puppy

"You can thank your dad for that. He's a big softy. And I'm not talking about the dog" y/n laughs as her daughter goes back to Tommy and hugs him

"Thank you daddy" she whispers so only he can hear. His eyes swell with tears but he quickly gets rid of them, kissing her cheek. Even y/n hadn't heard

The next day, it was Anne's birthday. She ran into her parents room for a cuddle at 8am and they stayed in bed for ages

"Can't believe my baby is 12 years old already" y/n says kissing her face repeatedly as she laughs

"Still remember day I got the letter you had been born. I ran round the trenches telling everyone that I was a father" Tommy wasn't there for the first 4 years of her life. Y/n got pregnant just a few weeks before he had to leave for the army

"You were the prettiest baby in all of England. Gorgeous brown curls and blue eyes" y/n whispers making her smile

"I love you baby"

"I love you too mummy" Anne says. This time, they both heard it. Tommy and y/n get watery eyes but push it away. They don't want to make it a big deal incase it scares her to never speak again, so instead, y/n kisses her head and smiles softly

"Erm...sweetie, Where's the puppy?" Tommy asks. Her eyes go wide and she runs off, clearly forgetting the puppy

"Remind me again why we let her have a dog?" Tommy asks

"Because you love her and you love me and I told you to get her one so you did" they had agreed that y/n would help Anne with training the dog. Teach it verbal commands aswell as actions that Anne could do. Although hopefully, she will get more used to the verbal commands

"She's finally talking" he sighs contently, wrapping his arm around y/n and burying his face in her neck

"I know. I was so worried that she'd never talk. God, I hate letting her out the house knowing she won't talk. I always wonder, if something happens, would she tell us? Hopefully, now, I can finally start to relax" y/n kisses her husband and they break apart when Anne comes in with the puppy in her arms

"If that thing pees in my bed, I will have to kill it" Tommy groans as the dog and their daughter get into bed

"He loves it really" y/n whispers to Anne making her laugh. No doubt, by the end of the week, Tommy would be inseparable with the dog

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