😔Alfie- end of the day

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Alfie had spent his entire life hiding his feelings. When he was 8, he broke his arm. Held back the tears from fear of being punished. Age 16, his girlfriend cheated on him and he couldn't sob into his pillow like he wished. Instead, his friends forced him out to drink and fuck other girls much to his dislike. At age 29, his best friend was shot down before his eyes. Still haunts him to this day yet he has to pretend like it doesn't bother him. At the end of the day, it's part of being a man....hiding how you truly feel

Y/n had lived in fear. Knowing that she won't ever be able to walk the streets alone safely. Age 6, she was told by her teacher that her skirt was just asking for a spanking. At the age of 14, she was wolf whistled by a group of middle aged men whilst walking home in her school uniform. And at the age of 22, she was held at knife point as her own boyfriend raped her. She found a house away from him and a job but still can not sleep at night without feeling his hands all over her. At the end of the day, it's part of being a woman....being afraid

2 souls, unknowing of one another but with so much in common. Joined in a terrifying but remarkable act of fate and heartbreak.

Alfie had just finished slaughtering a man who betrayed his trust. He did this everyday and was very much used to the guilt he felt. But that didn't make it any easier. He looked at himself in a shop window on his way home and all he saw was a defeated killer. Why should he live when he takes the life of others? God should be the one to decide when people die, and yet he makes that decision every single fucking day. Alfie couldn't bare the sight of what he had become, so carried on walking. Yet he changed his direction and was soon standing on the edge of a bridge, ready to jump into the crashing current

Y/n was walking home one evening from her job as a cleaner for a wealthier lady. Every day is the same boring and tiresome way of living. With nothing to look forward to. Knowing that she couldn't possible return to her dingy, damp flat without breaking down and disturbing her neighbours, she diverted her journey to a bridge thay overlooked a river with rough current and sharp rocks at the bottom. Last thing she expected was to find someone had beat her to it

"Erm...hello?" She said unsure how to approach the situation. The man turned around to look at her then back down at the water

"You can't save me love. Go home and forget you even saw me"

"No can do I'm afraid. You see, you're sort of in my spot. But please, don't let me stop you. I know having an audience can be nerve racking but the show must go on. I'll be jumping after you anyway. I'll try not to steal your thunder" she tells him

"Are you mocking me?"

"Not at all. Just saying it as it is. I'll be jumping once you have so if you could hurry up" y/n urges him

"Why would you want to kill yourself. You don't know the first thing about pain" he tuts

"Ha. That's cute. But I'm a woman, I've felt pain unlike any other" she laughs knowing that it was either laugh or cry

"I'll believe you. So why not tell me why you want to jump then?" He turns back around but this time she sees the red tears in his eyes.

"Well, how about you take me back to your home and we'll talk more there. I would invite you round mine for a cuppa but it's not a nice place I'm afraid" with hesitation, Alfie turns around and climbs back over the railings. He would still feel just as crap in the morning. Not like there was any rush to die. Alfie lead the way back to his house and they went inside for a cup of tea by the fire

"So why did you want to jump? I'm not a therapist and you don't know me, but you don't have to hide anything. I'm not here to judge, because we are in the same position" y/n tells him. Alfie let's out a deep sigh before setting his cup down and beginning

"All my life, I have been made to hide my feelings. As a man, I never could show emotion without being thought of as lesser. It got even harder once I started my line of work. You have a right to know, you are in the house of a murderer. I've killed many people for my job and it never gets easier. The guilt became too much once I walked past the funeral of a young lad I'd killed. He was 20. I saw his wife crying as she held their baby and she was pregnant. I had ruined so many lives all because of my unjustified anger. I couldn't take it anymore, so i was gonna jump" he admits everything, tears streaming down his face as his hands shake.

He looked down, expecting this girl to run a mile but instead, he felt her arms around his body, hugging him with more warmth and certainty than he'd ever felt. He cried more into her body, hugging her back

"I know who you are Alfie solomons. My father was part of a gang when I was a young girl so I know you are still good people. Everything you do is for a reason. If those people don't die, then many others would've" she tells him

"What about you? Why were you on that bridge?" He asks

"Because im scared. As a woman, I get told many things. My clothes are either to slutty or too modest. I would look better with make up but when I wear it, I look like a harlot. Constantly being whistled at or shouted things in the street and when I walk home, I do it knowing that i may not make it to my front door. I have been raped 23 times by 2 different people. My boyfriend of the time and my brother. And now i work as a cleaner for some wealthy family. My arse squoze by the man of the house constantly, told that if I don't do stuff for him then I'll be fired. I didn't want to do it so I was going to jump. Death is better than what he asked of me" she hugged Alfie as they both cried

"You know, some men are just horrible people. Think they own women, but they don't. The world is a cruel place and laws need changing. But until it is safe, however long that may be, then I want you to live with me. As a friend to me. You need protection and I need some family who I can cry to. Please, i don't want to be alone anymore" Alfie begs with tears in his eyes as he meets her gaze

"I would enjoy the company very much. I havnt got any friends Alfie, but I think you may be my first"

"Im very glad to hear that. You never told me your name"

"Y/n y/l/n"

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