🖤Alfie- House Mate

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"It's my favourite customer" y/n heard Alfie say as you entered his bakery

"Hi alfie" she said with a frown

"What's up with that fissog?" He asked making y/n roll her eyes

"They've cut my wages again. If this carries on then I won't be able to afford my rent. It seems the more I work, the more I slave away for them, the less I get payed" y/n ranted sadly. She worked in a ribbon factory in London. Started work at 5.30am. Finished at 9.30pm. And every month, the company seem to cut her wages

"Fuckers. You want me go down there and have a word with them?" Alfie asked, half joingly, half serious

"And say what? 'Give her more money or I'll throw bread at you'. Thanks Alfie. It's sweet. But I think it'll just lose my job, not up me wages. Anyway, I came in here wondering if you had any work for me? I could really do with the money" y/n moved to London 2 years ago. Alfie was quick to notice the attractive girl and helped her find her feet. Although she had made it very clear they were just friends much to Alfie disappointment. Anyway, y/n must be one of the only people in London who believes Alfie is truly just a Baker. Everyone else runs from him. But she sees him as nothing more than the sweet Baker who lives down the road

"A job? Are you joking? Y/n, you work 16hrs a day, 6 days a week. When are you gonna find time to work?" He asked

"On the Sundays when I don't work" she chimed

"See, there's this little thing called rest. Most people need it to live. Sunday is your day to rest"

"And how do you expect me to do that if I have to wonder where the next meal is coming from? Alfie, I havnt ate anything in 2 days. I can't just sit back and rest. I'll take any job you've got. Please...for me" she begged

"No. I refuse. If you need money, then I will give you money. However much you need. I'll pay your rent. Buy you food. Anything you need. But please don't get another job. You look ready to pass out as it is. Don't need you getting any more tired"

"Charming...but seriously. I can't except that. I don't take money without working for it. Thank you though. You're very kind alfie" y/n refused the offer and quickly left, realising that Alfie wouldn't be giving her a job any time soon

2 months later

"Please! I'm so sorry. I'm just really struggling for cash at the moment" y/n begged her landlord but it was no use

"You are 3 months behind on rent. I'm sorry miss y/l/n. But I'm afraid you can't stay here any longer. I've been as nice as I can but you have to understand, I need the money you pay for rent so that me and my family can eat. I'm sure you understand that" y/n hated it but she understood perfectly. And so she went to the only place she felt at home

"What's happened?" Alfie asked answering the door and seeing a tear stained girl

"I got evicted because I can't pay my rent, and my wages have gone down again. And I lost my Sunday job because I fell asleep" she sobbed, everything pouring out at once. Alfie opened her arms to him and she ran into him, crying into his chest

"You can stay here as long as you need. And please, go and take a nap. I bet you've hardly slept since working 7 days a week" Alfie ushered her inside.

"Thank you Alfie. Fuck I feel awful. I'll pay back every penny when I can. They includes rent, food, heating-"

"Give over. Its for free. Except for one condition!"

"Anything" y/n agreed

"You quit your job at the factory" this made her stop in her tracks

"Alfie! I can't so that and you know it! It's the only source of income I have! I can't quit!"

"You don't need any money. Move in with me. Nothing romantic. Just as friends. I enjoy your company and frankly, it gets lonely. I don't need you to pay because I have plenty of money. Baking isn't my only job" Alfie informed her

"How do you have so much money Alfie?"

1 month later

"My heard hurts" y/n groaned as she sat by the toilet, Alfie holding her hair back as she threw up

"This is what happens when you drink my rum" Alfie said wiping the sweat from her forehead

"I'm never drinking again. Never let me drink again!" Y/n said

"Ye and I'm the pope" Alfie laughed as y/n playfully hit him.

After moving in, they spent every day drinking together, smoking together and over all, just having a blast together. Y/n knew what Alfie did and it made nod difference to her. She still saw him as the Baker from down the road. Although still just friends, Alfie could sense something more was beginning to happen. And he was slowly inching out of the friendzone

One day, whilst in bed, Alfie heard a knock on the door. He reached for his gun as she door opened but put it down when y/n walked in

"Fuck. What you doing here?" He asked

"I can't sleep. I know they're out the house but I just don't like the feeling. Can I stay with you?" Y/n asked

"Er ye of course darling" with a smile, y/n climbed in with Alfie. Earlier that day, 3 men had broken into the house. No one was hurt thankfully, and nothing taken as the police caught them. But it had freaked Alfie and y/n out. Y/n kept wondering if someone was still in the house and she hated it

Alfie's arm went around y/ns waist, her back to his chest



"If you're gonna press your boney against my back, can you atleast finger me in the process" this took Alfie by surprise


"I can feel your dick against my arse. And it's making me horny. So will you please finger me" alfies arm went down from around her waist, then her thigh and then inbetween. His fingers went under her lacy pants, rubbing slowly along the flaps

"Oh this is agony. Please Alfie" y/n begged

"As you wish" y/n lifted her leg up slightly so he had more room. His finger entered her pussy, causing her to moan. He pumped it in and out, curling before adding another finge

"Hmmm oh god. That's so mmmm good" y/n moaned as alfies fingers went slowly and delicately. He kissed her neck as another finger was added, all of them pushing in and out making her moan against him.

"Oh god"


"Fuck alfie" she moaned as her pussy clenched around his fingers. But just before she reached her orgasm, Alfie took his fingers out

"That is cruel" she whined

"Don't worry. I'll make you cum for me" Alfie whispered. He took off her night gown and began to massage her breasts

"Sit on my face darling" Alfie moaned. Y/n got up as Alfie lay back. She climbed ontop of him, hovering above his lips. Lowering herself down onto him. A moan escaped her lips as Alfies tongue entered. He swirled it around before sucking, his ahdns guiding her hips.

Y/n bucked her hips against his mouth, feeling the full force of his tongue

"Fuck yes. Oh my god Alfie"

"Alfie....yes alfie" she screamed his name, holding onto the head board for support as her toes curled and she released all over his face. Her hips slowed as she rode out her orgasm. Climbing off Alfie, she gave him a kiss on the lips

"Well thats one way to make me forget about my fear" she giggled to him. Alfie lifted y/n ontop of him so she was lay on him. Her head in his neck as his arms wrapped protectively around her lower back, maybe slipping down every now and then

"You tasted so good sweetheart. We should do that more often"


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