Arthur- I trusted him

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Tw: SA, mentions of Rape (I won't be descriptive and will not describe when it happens)

Y/n was sitting at the shelby house. Polly was letting her borrow a dress for a date with her long term boyfriend

"I don't know what you see in that guy" 11 year old finn said. She was close with the shelbys because after their mother died, y/n basically raised finn even though she was just 15 herself. But y/n offered to babysit for polly and it turned into a very regular thing until she moved in with them to help out more

"He is very sweet. And charming. And-"

"And rich" Tommy finishes off

"So you're with him just for the money?" Finn asked making polly scold him

"Finn, a man being rich is like a girl being pretty. You might not marry a girl just because she's pretty. But it sure does help" y/n told him. Standing up, she applied some lipstick and got ready to go

"How do I look?" She asked them

"Like a tramp" John says smiling as she throws a cushion at him

"Ignore my husband. We all know you should never take fashion advice from him. You look hot" esme tells y/n making her smile

"Be careful ye. I don't trust that guy" Arthur says walking out the house with her

"Arthur, I've been dating him for over a year"

"And he doesn't pick you up or drop you off home. Even after all this time, he hasn't asked you to marry him. And I've heard him yell at you when you didn't want to sleep with him" y/n frowns

"Well that's not an issue because we've slept together now anyway"

"So he Pressured you til you cracked?" Arthur asked

"Don't be ridiculous. I did it because I wanted to. I could say no at any time but I don't want to. He's rich, he's sexy, and he's got a bigger dick than any of you shelbys put together. Now stop being a nuisance and get out of my way" y/n marched away from him, sick and tired of hearing the same complaints from him and Tommy. They didn't like her boyfriend, Andrew. They believed he was a 'cunt'. But y/n loved him with all her heart. He had never given her a reason to not trust him

She met up with him at the restaurant. Eating and drinking. It was a very romantic candle lit dinner

"Why don't we go back to my place? I'm sure the shelby family are...Nice hosts. But surely you'd rather stay in a place where you know you won't be shot in the head"

"Oh please. I am fed up of hearing complaints from you and them. All I hear from Tommy and Arthur is how much they don't trust you. And all I hear from you is how much you don't trust them. Do none of you care for my happiness? I'm happy living with them and I'm happy being your girlfriend. Why is that so hard to understand?" Y/n asked snapping. But who can blame her? This was all they ever talked about

"Fine. I'm sorry. I won't mention it again. So will you, come back to mine?" He asked

"I don't think so. I would love to, you know I would. But I promised finn I'd come home before midnight. He wants me to read him a story"

"Finn? Isn't he like 16?"

"He's 11 actually. And either way it doesn't matter. He's like my own son, I'll read him a bed time story whenever he asks no matter how old he gets" y/n smiled

"Can't wait til we have children. You'll be such a wonderful mother" he said holding her hand

"We've been over this" she sighed putting her head in her hands

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