Finn- Romeo and Juliet

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Y/n changretta was not a force to be reckoned with. Ha. That's a lie. She was sweet as sugar and unfortunately, she was also incredibly naive. Always saw the good in people, even if there wasn't any to be found. At just 15 years old, the girl often stayed at home when her father, Vicente, would go on business trips. However this was different. A month ago, y/n had returned home after being kidnapped for 3 months. It was no rival gang. Just some men who didn't know who they were dealing with. But anyway, vicente refused to leave his daughter alone. And her brothers, luca and angel, never left her side. So as they travelled to Birmingham, y/n was with them

"Papa, who are the shelby family?" She asked as they got closer to their destination

"Horrid men bambina. You stay away from every single one of them. The blade in their caps, well, that is used to slice the eyes of their enemies. We wouldn't want you getting caught up in all of that now would we" Vicente replied, trying to scare his daughter simply so she would stay away

"No papa, we wouldn't" they got there and to y/n it looked like a tea party

"Tea?" The man asked. Vicente didn't reply

"Yes pl-" y/n started but Vicente interrupted

"No, she will have no tea" making her smile alter for just a moment. As the adults spoke, y/n wondered off, her father too busy dealing with the shelbys to even notice. She went around the barn which stood proud

"You're changrettas daughter?" A voice made her jump

"Sorry. Didn't mean scare ya" the boy speaking was handsome beyond doubt, so much so that y/n grew incredibly shy

"Erm..that's alright"

"So? Are you changrettas daughter?" She nodded her head slightly

"I'm finn. A shelby brother" he put his hand out to shake but y/ns eyes went wide. Whilst she did want to see the good in people, her father had terrified the girl. So instead of shaking it, she ran back to her father

"Papa papa!" She yelled crashing into him and hugging him

"Where were you bambina?" He asked holding onto her shoulders

"I'm sorry. I went for a walk but the shelby boy. He spoke to me" her hands were shaking as vicente pulled her into his side and continued to keep his arm around her

"My son will walk with the woman he loves" he got back to business

"Hard for your son to walk anywhere, with a bullet in each knee" as the changrettas walked away, she shelbys could hear y/n asking

"Why would they say that? That's a horrid thing to say" they turned to finn

"So you scared her then ay?" They asked him

"All I said was that I'm a shelby. And anyway, don't focus on me, focus on John. He's the one who fucked this all up" finn defended

"Tommy will deal with john. You like her. I can see it in your eyes. But stay away from her. The changrettas are mad. You'll have a bullet in your head before you can even take her on a date" Arthur warned him

A week later, y/ns maid walked into her room and handed her a letter

"It's from that shelby boy. I was given in personally, told not to show anyone other than yourself" y/n thanks the maid who had always been a friend to her and so she sat and read it

Dear miss Changretta,
I apologise for not knowing your first name. I never got time to ask. And I'm also sorry for scaring you the other day, it was not my intention. Whatever your father told you about us, I'm going to assume it's lies. We don't hurt women, and the people who do get hurt, we do it to protect others. Everything we do is for the greater good of Birmingham and its people. Anyway, I'm sorry again. I noticed you straight away, your silky hair and gorgeous eyes, that's why I tried to speak with you. You are stunning and I would like to talk more with you. Even if our families don't agree, but they can't control our lives. I hope I get a reply, but if not, then I'll take the hint and leave you alone
Ps: my friend isiah had to write this but I promise, all my own words

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