Arthur- School run

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"Honey, Where's my suit?" Arthur yelled through the house

"Tilly was sick on it so I had to put it in the wash. You can wear another suit" y/n yelled back as she bounced her 2 year old Tilly on her hip. Tilly had a stomach bug for the past 2 days but she seems alot better today. Just quiet and tired. Also won't Let go of either her mother or father. Arthur came downstairs in his suit and kissed his wife and daughter before their son came bombing downstairs

"Mummy, daddy, can chloe come for tea tonight?" Aj (arthur jr) asked. He was 5 and chloe was his girlfriend. They were the healthiest relationship anyone has seen and very very very cute

"Not tonight son. We're going aunt pollys for tea. Now go get your shoes on for school" with a huff, he goes and gets his shoes. The next to come downstairs is their other son, Henry. He is 9 and already developing that teenager attitude

"I've lost my tie" he says

"Well where did you put it?" Arthur asks

"If I knew then it wouldn't be lost would it?" He says. Arthur walks over and clips him round the ear

"Watch your tone. You never speak to me or your mother like that again. Now go back upstairs and find your tie. We're leaving in 5 minutes" he says. Henry then storms upstairs. The last to come down are their two eldest girls. Identical twins. Sophie and Ruby age 12. Whilst Ruby is neatly dressed and her hair brushed and ready to go. Sophie still has her pyjamas on and her hair looks like a birds nest

"What are you playing at? We leave in 5 minutes Sophie!" Y/n explains as Tilly plays with her necklace

"I'm not going in today. I think I've got Tilly stomach bug" she says with a sad face and watery eyes. Arthur feels her forehead

"She is abit warm" he says with concern as he checks her face to see if she is pale

"You can have today off but go back to bed and rest" y/n tells her. Like a baby, she looks up at Arthur and lifts her arm up

"Please daddy" she says sadly. He rolls his eyes but lifts her up and carries her back to bed. Henry comes past with his tie and finally they are ready for school. Arthur comes back downstairs and tells the kids to get their coats on

"Fuck off" they hear Henry yell before him and Ruby start hitting one another. Eventually, Ruby is ontop of Henry and punching him repeatedly. Arthur is quick to drag her off and separate the two

"WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON?" He yells at them

"Ruby kicked me"

"No I didn't. You started it-"

"I didn't star-"

"I hate you-"

"Burn in hell"

"ENOUGH! Keep your hands to yourself. No hurting one another and stop fucking yelling. And mind your language. Now finish getting your fucking coats on before I throw you out the house and make you walk" he threatens before sitting down on the sofa to wait for them. He is sat next to y/n and Tilly as he gives Tilly raspberries on her tummy, making her squeal with laughter

"We're ready" they all say

"Have a lovely day my babies. Don't get into trouble. Ruby, good luck in your math test. Aj, no kissing chloe, and Henry, if I get another phone call telling me you are suspended then you will be grounded for the next month. So best behaviour" after Henry grins she adds on "I mean it"

She kisses Arthur before he leaves with the kids for school. Arthur and the kids get in the car and he starts driving them to school. Halfway there, aj yells for them to stop

"What's wrong? Are you alright?" Arthur fussed thinking his son was seriously injured

"I forgot my lunch" he says making everyone else groan in annoyance

"Can't you just have a school dinner?" Arthur asks

"But the school dinners don't have a message from mum telling me how much she loves me" he says with a quivering lip

"Such a baby" Henry mutters

"Oh just because you think it's uncool to be loved" ruby says to him

"Henry, Ruby, pack it in. We'll drive back for your lunch. Has anyone else forgot anything?" Henry and Ruby reply no. Arthur parks the car outside and rushes to the house

"Back early" y/n says in surprise

"Aj forgot his fucking lunch and didn't want a hot school dinner because it wouldn't have a message from you" arthur grumbles

"That's cute but only because I'm not the one driving them to school. Oh btw, Sophie has been sick but luckily she made it to the toilet. Asleep now and Tilly is down for a nap" arthur kisses his wife before going back to the car. He starts the drive to school all over again and thankfully, no one has forgotten anything else. They get to school and the kids are about to go when aj starts crying

"What's wrong buddy?" Artgur asks lifting him up onto his hip

"I can't see chloe. I think she's got that tummy bug because she said she didn't feel well yesterday. I don't want to go without her" he cries

"You'll be alright mate. Just have to play with some other children for today" Arthur tells him but he shakes his head

"I'm staying with you and I'm not going in" the bell goes and Henry and Ruby go into the building. Aj's reacher tries to convince him to come inside but after 15 minutes of standing in the cold with aj not letting go of him, he decides to just take him home. Aj stops crying the car and instead falls asleep because his tantrum wore him out. They get home and Arthur carries him inside

"Why is he here?" Y/n asks as she bounces a crying Tilly on her hip

"Chloe is ill and he refused to let go of me so I have up. I'll  put him to bed then help you with her" and that he does. The couple spend the next half an hour trying to stop their daughter from crying as she is tired but won't sleep. Eventually, after another 10 minutes, Tilly falls asleep in y/ns arms and she carries her to the cot. Her and Arthur then go to their room and kiss

"Kids are asleep. Time to ourselves. You know what that means" Arthur smirks kissing y/ns neck. As they undress one another and begin....the deed...the phone rings. Artgur tells her to ignore it but she gets it anyway leaving him very annoyed

"That's the school. Henry and Ruby have been sick with this stupid fucking stomach bug. We've gotta go pick them up" y/n tells him

"Oh for fucks sake" arthur groans burying his head in the pillow. Their was rarely tine to themselves. Normally, they are knackered by the time the house is silent and kids are asleep or arthur is at work. And now they'll have to wait again to satisfy their needs as they pick up the unfortunate things they made. They both love their children really. But they are massive cockblocks

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