Alfie- bored and boring

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"Alfffiiieee" y/n whined sitting on his desk

"Mhm" he mumbled, not taking his eyes of his work. Alfie had left their bed at half 5 this morning, began working in his office, and at 6 o'clock that evening, he was still working

"I'm hungry" she grumbled lifting his chin to meet her eyes. Her bottom lip was stuck out causing Alfie to chuckle

"Are you hungry or are you bored?"

"I'm bungry. Let's go out for tea, please, just put your work down and let's go" y/n suggested

"Honey, I have mountains of work to get through this month and I don't have time for breaks" Alfie sighed

"Yes you do, just pretend like there isn't any work"

"You know that's not possible baby" he said wrapping his arms around her waist and pulling her to sit on his lap

"It is, I do it all the time, it's so easy. If I pretend the house is clean, then life gets so much simpler. It's the same with work, just pretend its finished and you'll feel alot better. Now come on, I'm bloody starving, and we are going to the chippy and then we are gonna come home, pretend our days havnt been crap and then go to bed" Alfie chuckled but stood up, grabbed his coat and followed his wife to the chippy

"You know, we could go out? Like to a nice restaurant or something"

"Oh my love, you have a lovely imagination. But I can only pretend so much. I don't have the energy to get dressed and put makeup on. Plus, I'm craving fish, not the posh kind, the nice kind, greasy, covered in batter and salt, and best of all, unhealthy" she held his hand and kissed his cheek as he laughed. She never had expensive taste. Growing up in the Irish slums, y/n felt that even having the privilege of eating 3 meals a day was enough for her, without all the fancy dishes and clothes

"2 fish and chips please" y/n ordered. It only took a couple minutes before they were walking back with their fish and chips. They got home and y/n put their food on trays so it wouldn't get grease on their clothes or the cushions

"Perfect, so honey, tell me about your wonderful pretend day" Alfie smiled and y/n giggled as she answered

"Well, I woke up to the birds singing"

"Birds singing? So not the fight that happened next door?" Alfie laughed

"I don't know what you're talking about. The birds woke me up, and then I got up straight away, definitely didn't stay in bed until lunch time. I spent the morning feeding the deer that were in the garden, just the usual. And then I took a little trip to America where I had lunch with the president. I swam home because he bored me, and on my way home, I made friends with a dolphin and a mermaid. So what was your day like?" Y/n smiled as she made up a load of crap which only happens in dreams, but it was nice to pretend

"My day was pretty ordinary. I woke up, made a snowman, ya know, despite it being the middle of summer. I had a buffet with the fucking king who offered me a knighthood. I came home to my beautiful wife, she was gorgeous, and made a lovely meal. Oh and of course you were there somewhere" Alfie laughed whilst y/n gasped, chuckling a cushion at her husband

"Alfie solomons! I take full offense, you disgusting pig" the pair laughed it off and continued nicking one another's chips

"Your day sounds pretty fantastic" Alfie said

"So does yours...Alfie, do you ever think we've gotten....boring?"

"Oh ye, I'm bored of the same routine every single fucking day. Working, meetings, killing. That's just my day constantly" Alfie answers

"Let's go away"


"Let's leave London, leave England in fact. Just for a little while. Go on holiday to somewhere, Italy or Portugal or France, please Alfie, I need a change" y/n begged. She loved her life, Alfie, her home, her job (bit of a lie). But she felt like she was turning into her mother. Spending the rest of her life in one place, not seeing any part of this grand world

"OK" he agrees simply

"Are you serious?"

"Yes I'm fucking serious, we'll go anywhere you wanna go my love. Travel all of Europe if that's what you want. I can't stay in these four walls for much longer or ill go insane" y/n kissed Alfie, putting their food aside and straddling him as his hands caressed her arse cheeks

"Thank you my love" y/n rested her head against Alfie, kissing his nose sweetly

"Anything for you. This time next month, we'll be having tea at the top of the eifel tower, you have my word" y/n couldn't control her excitement and jumped off the sofa, squealing like a love sick school girl

"Take it you're happy" he laughed

"Alfie solomons, you are the worlds best husband. Have I told you that I love you?"

"Every day dear, but always nice to hear it" he stood up and she flung her arms around his neck

"I love you to the moon and back, with all my heart I love you" she kissed him, not giving him a chance to reply. Love sick. That's what she was. Y/n always loved Alfie, but she was thankful that for the first time since their wedding 3 years ago, she would be able to see more than England. See the world just like they'd always talked about when they were engaged. Together, loving in any country, forever

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