Alfie- The child to be

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Alfie lay in bed holding onto his wife as if she may slip from his life if he let go. Her back was to her chest and his face was buried in her neck. He was relaxed, tired and in a land of dreams. That was until he felt the tugging of bedsheets and the small whispers of children

"Sshhh. You'll wake mummy and daddy"


"Give me a boost"

"They're still sleepy"

Alfie stayed still and listened to the children as they attempted to scramble onto his bed. His wife had also woken up. He knew because she was drawing patters on his arm. Removing his arm from around her, her quickly grabbed the girls causing them to let out shrill screams before fits of laughter filled the room

He lifted them all onto the bed and they found their place between their parents. The youngest, abigail went straight to her mother for some milk. She was 1. Then karla (3) came and sat next to her mother. Molly (5) sat next to Karla. And then Diana (5) sat next to her twin and her dad

Y/n let abigail have her morning feed because she kept squirming for it

"Now what are my girls doing up so early?" Alfie asked

"Abigail started crying and woke us all up" they said. The girls all shared a room. Not that they didn't have enough rooms. But the 3 oldest love it. Sure they argue like cats and dogs, but they also have alot of fun. Since abigail was born, she has been in Alfie and y/ns room. Well last week, they moved her into the girls room. Could be going worse. Could be going better

"You're good girls for bringing her to me" y/n praised them making the girls smile

"Daddy, mummy, because you love us so much, pretty please can we go outside and play in the snow?" Molly asked looking at her parents. Y/n jumped out of bed with abigail in her arms and rushed to the window. It had snowed yesterday so they had a snow day. They girls didn't seem to realise it had melted

"Oh girls. Theres no snow anymore. The sun made it disappear. But its only November. It will snow again in a month or two" y/n tried to cheer them up. Karla started to cry so Alfie picked her up and bounced her up and down

"Don't you worry my lovely girl. There are other things you could do. Like, sleep. Why don't we all go back to bed because incase anyone's forgot, it is half 5 in the fucking morning and daddy is very sleepy" he said picking up 3 of his girls

"Alfie! Language" his wife scolded him as he apologised under his breath

"Ugh. I don't wanna go bed. Can we sleep with you?" They asked. Y/n and Alfie looked at one another before throwing them in bed. Abigail had finished her milk and was now fast asleep. Alfie took her from y/n and lay her down on his chest. Karla climbed over to her mum and lay on her chest, her head resting on her boobs. The girls loved to do that. Since breastfeeding, her breasts had doubled in size and they found them very comfy. So did Alfie

"Go to sleep now girls" within 5 minutes, they were fast asleep

"You still awake honey?" Alfie asked

"How can I sleep when I have molly elbow digging into my tit?" She chuckled

"What you say if we have another?" Alfie asked her

"Alfie honey, you really want another baby? I mean, we've got 4 girls"

"Let's make it 5" he begged

"Could be a boy" y/n reminded him

"Then I'll love him all the same"

"I'll think about it" they fell asleep soon after. It wasn't that y/n didn't want another child. She always wanted more babies. But the pain of pregnancy and then giving birth. Well it wasn't something she enjoyed put it that way

The next day, the girls were playing in their room and Alfie was in his office. Y/n stood leaning against the door frame as he did his work. He looked so sexy when he concentrated. In fact, he looked sexy all the time

"I know you're watching me love" Alfie said. Y/n smiled and walked over with her arms out for her husband. He pulled his chair out, giving her room to do the usual. Even before they were married with kids, y/n would come in when she wanted attention, and just straddle Alfie on his chair. Hugging him tightly as he got on with work

"OK. Let's have another baby" y/n whispered in his ear. He pulled back to look her in the eyes and make sure she isn't playing some cruel joke

"You serious?" He asked shocked

"I'm pregnant sweetie. I wanted the doctor to confirm it first and he did yesterday. We're having a baby" Alfie pulled her close and kissed her lips passionately. Y/n wanted the doctors confirmation that all was well because despite giving birth 6 times, and being pregnant 11 times, y/n only had 4 children. 2 still births, both girls. And many miscarriages. The first two times she gave birth, the babies weren't alive. She had 5 miscarriages before having the twins. That's why they are such special girls. And then karla was born. But before abigail was born, y/n had 2 more miscarriages. Pregnancy is a scary time for their family, but if they didn't take the chance, they wouldn't have their family

9 months later

"Their perfect" Alfie said sitting on the bed with his tired wife, looking at their newly born twins. 2 girls. Lisa and Jessica.

"My gorgeous girls" y/n muttered sleepily

2 years later

Molly and Diana (7). Karla (5). Abigail (3). Lisa and Jessica (2)

"You can do it honey" Alfie encouraged his wife

"I'm gonna kill you alfie" she yelled as she pushed through the pain

"On more push now y/n" the midwife said. She pushed as Alfie held her hand, almost breaking his fingers but he'd learnt not to complain about it

They heard crying and had the shock on their lives

"It's a boy" the two almost couldn't believe it. A boy! They hadn't even thought of boy names. It took them 2 weeks to decide but finally settled for AJ. Alfie Jr. After 6 girls, they finally had a boy. And he was loved no more and no less than their girls. Their family was complete. Alfie considered himself the luckiest man on earth. But God help him and AJ when the girls go through teenage years

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