Alfie- Jemima's Heart

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James- 8
Peggy- 6
Sebastian- 5
Chloe- 4
Jemima- 1

Y/n was sitting down at the doctors office, just waiting to go in. Finally, her name was called. She went and sat down nervously. It had been a while since the blood tests, and for those months, she has been on edge, anxious and scared. Her little girl, Jemima, was sitting on her knee laughing happily

"I'm afraid it is as we feared Mrs solomons" the doctor begins

"Are you sure? She's just a little girl, I mean, she's only just turned 1. Can you run the tests again? Please doctor" but he shook his head sadly

"I'm very sorry Mrs solomons. Jemima is a wonderful little girl and it pains me deeply to have to tell you this. I know this is alot to take it. We can discuss her end of life treatment now or in a weeks time, when you've had time to process"

"You're wrong. You're just wrong" y/n wiped her tears and stormed from the doctors office with jemima on her hip. As she was walking home, she couldn't take it anymore and collapsed in the street, sobbing and holding onto her little girl who was unaware of her critical health

"Mrs solomons!" A woman who knows her from the children's school ran over and crouched by her side, holding the woman and comforting the child so she didn't cry also. Eventually, y/n and jemima got home. The baby was asleep on her hip. The moment she got through the door, tiny footsteps ran towards her until she saw, behind her teary vision, her 4 eldest children

"Mummy, daddy picked us up from school today!" Chloe yelled happily. The children told her about their days all at once except for James who remained quiet

"Mama, what's wrong?" He asked quietly once the others ran upstairs to go and play

"Don't worry dear, someone I know is just abit poorly. Nothing for you to worry about" he hugs you and you kiss his head before he goes to his siblings. Y/n walks toward Alfie office but he almost runs into her, them meeting half way

"What did the doctor say?" He asks. He wanted to be there badly, but he agreed to stay back and watch the children so they didn't get worried

"H...he said...oh alfie" she sat down on the sofa with jemima asleep in her arms, her shaking hand covering her mouth as Alfie put an arm around his wife

"Her hearts failing, isn't it?" Y/n nodded her head and began sobbing into Alfies chest as he cried aswell, stroking his poor babies cheeks. She looked so peaceful, and out of pain, no one from outside would've guessed that she was dying. She looked like any other 1 year old

They didn't talk about it for the rest of the evening. But the next week, they both went to the doctors and spoke about jemimas end of life care. They agreed that they didn't want any hospitals. She had been given 4 months to live, 4 months and 2 weeks with hospitals. But either way, she would die, and they didn't want her last months to be prodding with needles and people in white coats. So she would stay at home

Those 4 months were spent with jemima. Alfie left his business in the care of the peaky blinders, who agreed to take care of it until his return. He still visited a few times but not often, just once a month to make sure everything was running smoothly. Meanwhile, Alfie took his wife and kids to stay in a summer house by the sea. It was gorgeous, in a field 2 minute walk to the beach, surrounded by grass. A few farm animals for the kids, chickens and sheep. They realised just how much jemima loved the beach as did the rest of the kids. And once that 4 months was over, y/n lay in her bed, jemima next to her and Alfie stood in the door way

"I'm scared to sleep alfie"

"I know honey"

"I don't want her to die alone. I know that her heart could stop at any time, I can already tell she's struggling. I...I don't know what to do" y/n began crying and alfie wrapped his arms around her, kissing her head as he looked at his baby girl who was awake but sleepy

"I think this is her last sleep" alfie cried seeing his poor baby struggling. Y/n nodded against his chest. It was still light out, they've only just finished their tea and the sun was setting

"I'll go get the kids" y/n said. Alfie lifted up his daughter and got her blankets to wrap around her. Meanwhile, y/n got the kids

"We're going to the beach" chloe smiles but the others look down

"Jemimas dying now isn't she?" Peggy asks. Y/n crouches to her height and hugs all her children

"Yes sweetheart, we think she's dying. But listen, we're going to the beach, and we'll play with her and you guys can run in the sand, she loves watching you in the sand. Is that OK?" They nod and smile for their mother. Not crying then wad the hardest thing y/n has ever done. It felt like everything was crumbling around her.

They walked down to the beach and set a blanket down. Y/n sat down with jemima in her arms, watching as alfie ran around the sand and paddled in the sea with the children. She smiled at the sight, wiping her tears. A few times, she works catch alfies eye, they'd smile sadly at eachother but giving an affirming nod, that this was what they had to do. They didn't want the kids remember some traumatic story of their siblings death. And they didn't want jemima to be scared. Just calm, and with their family, peaceful.

After an hour or so, y/n noticed jemima was asleep. Her heart was slowing down, her breathing faint and her pulse fading

"Alfie" y/n called over, her voice wobbling. Alfie walked over and sat by his wife, holding his little girl as y/n leant against him

"It's ok baby, it's ok, you can rest now, the pain will go away my darling girl" alfie told her, tears pouring down her cheeks. The kids ran over, crying softly. Y/n held onto Sebastian and chloe as Peggy and James were on the other side of alfie

"Bye jemima, I love you" James tells her kissing her forehead. Chloe held onto her hand, the whole family sat on the beach, holding their youngest.

"You are so brave jemima, I love you with all my heart" y/n kissed her cheek and then they waited until alfie looked into y/ns eyes and nodded sadly, his lip wobbling and tears falling. He held her closer as the family cried, holding onto one another and saying their goodbyes. They stayed their for a while, just crying and talking, kissing jemima goodbye. Their final goodbye

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