John- Periods

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"Please honey, you know I didn't mean it" John begged his fiance who was sat at their kitchen table, tears staining her cheeks, dripping down to her trembling hands. Y/n couldn't even answer him as she sobbed into her hands

"I'll leave you alone if it's what you want?"

"Just piss off" y/n whispered quietly. John began to walk out the kitchen when suddenly y/n realised what was going on

"No I didn't mean it Please don't leave me" she began to cry again and all John could do was hold her as she dug her head into his neck

"I'm sorry. I know I'm being a pain in the arse" y/n wiped away her tears and John kissed her cheeks. He chuckled and helped her stand up

"You're not a pain in the arse. I should've been more sensitive and not joked about your frown. I know you're in alot of pain right now and have every right to act however you like" she smiled at him and hugged his waist tightly, allowing John to breathe in the sweet scent of her shampoo

"Will you lie down with me?" Y/n asked looking up at him

"Of course baby" he agreed not needing to give it a second thought. They went upstairs and y/n climbed into bed. John took his suit off and joined her, his hands resting on her stomach to warm her up

"I feel so stupid" y/n laughed knowing that if she didn't laugh, she'd cry

"Don't! You're not stupid. You're on your period and I'm here as your own personal punching bag if need be" John offered kissing her cheek. She kissed his lips and then they got comfy, laying down and cuddling close to one another. Nothing better than a nap in the middle of the day

After a couple of hours, y/n was lightly shaken awake. With a groggy voice she asked

"What's happened?" Trying not to yell for being woken up as she had already lost her temper with John today and didn't want to take everything out on him

"It's alright my love. You've bled onto the sheets. I've ran you a warm bath and whilst you do that, I'll change the sheets" she could've broke down and cried right that second, but John's loving nature was a great calm down

"Oh John. I'm so sorry" she whimpered

"Sshh sshh. Its alright. No point getting yourself in a tiz. Not like its your fault anyway. Now go and have a bath before it gets cold. I've out extra bubbles in for you" he kissed her forehead as she climbed from their bed and went into the bathroom. Undressed herself and stepped into the bath, her cramps relaxing almost instantly

Meanwhile, John gathered all the sheets, put on fresh ones and put the dirty sheets in the wash. It took him about 20 minutes before he went into the bathroom to check on his fiance

"Hi honey. You feeling alright? Anything I can do?" He asked crouching next to her and holding her hand

"You're the sweetest man John shelby. Don't ever forget that. I'm fine now thank you. The bath is perfect" John smiled knowing he had helped in the only way he saw possible. It was a small thing but to y/n, it meant the world. As she got out the bath, John grabbed a towel and wrapped it around her as she went and sat on the toilet

"Can you pass me a tampon please sweetheart" John did so and kissed her cheek. He left the room to go and get y/n some clothes. Soon after, they were both eating tea on the sofa.

"It's fucking ridiculous. He makes all these decisions and expects us to just abide to his every command without giving us so much as a warning" he complained about Tommy

"I know its difficult my love but you have to realise that Tommy rules the world. Some people just don't realise it yet. He has the capability to expand the company 6x what it is now, if he truly wanted to. What he says goes, no matter how immature or impractical it may be"

"He's a pain in the arse. Why should we always listen to him? Why is it Tommy's way or the high way?" He was getting agitated and it didn't take a genius to figure out what he needed to relax

"John, you know I love you. But you're getting worked up over this and it isn't healthy. You're stressed. I've got cramps. I think it's clear what we really need to do" y/n hinted. John smirked and went over kissing her

"Not yet. I need to go take my tampon out. I'll meet you in the bedroom"

"OK love. Bring a towel" John laughed as the pair hurried upstairs. John waited excitedly on the bed before y/n entered, standing awkwardly in the doorway

"I won't bite you know....unless you want me to" he joked seeing how on edge his fiance was

"So I have abit of a problem" John sat up straight

"What sort of problem? Are you alright?" He held y/ns hand and guided her to sit on the bed

"The strings come off. And I can't get it out....." John didn't really know what to say. He had never encountered this issue before

" we need to go to the doctors?"

"No. Not yet atleast. I just can't get it out"

"Well fear not. What are fiancé's for ay? Lie back, knees up, legs apart" John ordered

"Are you joking?"

"Of course I'm not. Y/n, you're going to be my wife. Its not like I havnt seen it before. I'll be gently I promise" hesitantly, y/n lay back and out her knees up. John lifted up her skirt and began feeling for it. He could feel the tampon but had a field day trying to grab it and pull it out. Eventually, after alot of wincing from y/n and jokes from John, the tampon was out and the couple could relax together

"I got lucky with you didn't I John shelby? You truly are the perfect man"

"I'm far from perfect darling"

"You're perfect me for. And that's all I need"

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