Finn- Returned my heart

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It was clear to everybody in the shelby family than finn was depressed, or atleast very upset. He has a girlfriend, y/n but she was dragged away to America by her parents a month ago. For 7 months, they had spent every day together and she had become apart of the family. It wasn't clear to finn why she left, he understands her father is a pursuasive and strict man, but he wished that y/n would just refuse to get on the boat. She Was 18 after all, but alas, she left with no goodbye

"She's one girl finn, we all loved her very much but you have to get out the house. Go to a club, fuck some girls, get her off your mind" Arthur suggest stood in Finns room. He was currently lay in bed at 2 in the afternoon, refusing to get up

"This is fucking ridiculous" Tommy muttered shaking his head

"You were depressed for 2 years when grace left. And the two on you were never officially together. Not just that, but she was a fucking spy. Y/n was an angel" finn yells throwing a pillow at Tommy's face

"True, but I didn't sit in my room and sulk. Now get up, get dressed, we have a job for wanna be apart of the dirty work for the peaky blinders, well nows your chance" Finns head perked up and he decided to get out of bed. 20 minutes later, they were walking through Birmingham. They got in the car and that's when finn asked

"Where are we going?"

"We are going to a whore house brother" John said cheerfully

"What? 2 out of the 4 of us are married! And Tommy is still mourning"

"We aren't sleeping with anyone...Well maybe Arthur, but who can blame him? We are going and we'll wait in the pub next door. Don't worry finn, we're paying so take all the time you need. No rush" Tommy said

"Tommy, are you having a fucking laugh? I'm not fucking one girl when I'll be picturing another in me fucking head. It isn't right and isn't fair on y/n or the poor woman desperate enough to get payed" finn refuses. Eventually, they all end up in the pub next to the whore house

"What a waste of petrol if you don't even get fucked" Arthur complains taking his whiskey

"Ye, its called having morals" finn grumbled. Soon enough, they drove back home. The half an hour car journey, finn spent the entire time sulking in the back, refusing to even acknowledge his brothers in anger and frustration. They got out the car and started walking to the house. As they rounded the corner, something jumped out causing finn to jump out of his skin, letting out a girlish scream in the process as he whipped out his gun

"Come on finn, only just got back, don't shoot me just yet" y/n! Gorgeous, radiant, angelic y/n. His y/n. Finn wasted no time in hugging his girlfriend (he wasn't even sure if she was his girlfriend still), lifting her up and kissing her passionately

"Fuck, gave me a heart attack" finn laughed, his eyes watering

"Not yet, maybe when we're both 60 and I've had enough of you" y/n giggled kissing his cheek

"Well I never!" Arthur, John and tommy hugged their almost sister in law and welcomed her home. They went inside and finn took her up to his room immediately, dragging her hand. They sat down on the bed and burst into tears

"What happened?" Finn asked

"I'm sorry. My dad, he wanted to move far away, away from the peaky blinders, away from you. I think, after everything that happened with grace, he worried the same thing would happen to me. I had spent 7 months telling him that as a woman, we weren't involved and I wouldn't get hurt, but he didn't want to risk it when grace was shot. I wanted to refuse, thought about running away, but the night before we left, mum sat me down and she told me how much they loved me, told me some untrue but believable stories about how kind my father used to be and how he's still the same man, but he's scared of losing me. They told me they had a child before me who died tragically and thats why he doesn't want me out of his sight. I was naive enough to believe every fucking word" they held hands and looked at eachother as the tears poured

"Why didn't you say goodbye?"

"Because It is too damn hard! The thought of not seeing you everyday broke my heart. I didn't want to leave you and I was sure that if I was to say goodbye, then I would never get on that boat" finn kissed her softly, their salty tears caught inbetween their lips

"I love you so fucking much" finn says breaking away

"I love you finn"

"Why did you come back?"

"On the journey to America, mum got sick. She died 2 days later. Dad was depressed, we never saw him. And it changed him. He sat me down a few days ago


"Y/n, your mother passing...Well it has broken my heart to pieces. I can't imagine my life without my love"

"What are you saying daddy?"

"I'm saying i want you to go back to England. I never should've taken you away from the boy you love and you havnt been the same since. I thought I was protecting you but really, I was just losing you. I love you and don't want you to live your life wondering what it could've been had you married the man who makes you happy"

End flashback

"I'm sorry to hear about your mother. She was a lovely woman"

"No she wasn't she was a cow. But I'm sad to know she won't be here to ruin my day, in a weird way, I miss it" y/n laughed, smiling through the pain

"So what do we do now?" Finn asked kissing her hands

"Now....we clean this room because it smells like a frog was eaten by a fox, thrown back up, eaten again by a goat and shat out" y/n smiled picking up some of his clothes from the floor

"I'm not incapable of cleaning you know" finn rolled your eyes

"Finn, honey, if I don't help you clean, then I will spend most my time sat in a literal pig pen. Now help me clean up" y/n ordered and mopingly, finn did just that

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