Arthur- Past Love

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Before the war, there was a girl. A woman who Arthur shelby fell head over heels for. They were together for a year before the war began, and it broke her heart to see him go. She wrote to him often, for the first few months anyway. But then the letters just stopped coming. He wrote to polly, asking if everything was alright at home. Turns out, y/n's step father had decided to move the whole family for his job. And they moved to Spain. Y/n was a grown woman and couldve stayed, but ahe despises her step father and couldnt imagine leavng ber poor mother alone with him. No one has heard from her since. Although Arthur never forgot about her, he learnt to move on

"Fucking hell Arthur" John laughed at Arthur's description of a whores tits. Tommy had perfected the art of suppressing his laughter. They were walking down the street which was almost empty

"You alright mum?" There was a car in the middle of the street. Looked like a family moving in. A woman was helping her elderly mother out of the car as a boy of around 8 played with his ball around the car. The boy lost control and the ball ended up hitting John in the face. The kid ran over to the men

"Sorry. I didn't mean to" the kid apologised as John held his face. Even Tommy had to laugh at this

"Don't you apologise lad. Best shot I've seen that was" Arthur joked ruffling the lads hair.

"Cheers Arthur" John said sarcastically

"You're welcome" both the kid and Arthur replied

"Your names Arthur aswell?" The boy asked

"Wow. Good at shooting a ball. And you've got the best name in the world. Lucky lad ain't ya" Arthur laughed

"Mum. This man has the same name as me" the kid yelled to his mother who was gathering bags from the car

"That's great honey, could you-" the woman turned around and stopped talking once she realised who her son was talking to. John took his cap off in shock

"Well I never" he said astounded

"Sweetheart, will you check your nan got up the stairs alright. You know what she's like" y/n told her son. With a huff, he went inside. Tommy, Arthur and John walked over to y/n

"It's been a long time" Tommy said

"Ye it has"

"Are you alright?" Arthur asked, noticing the tears in her eyes

"I just....I wasn't sure if anyone of you had survived the war. Always told myself that you'd passed, then if I ever found out, I wouldn't be shocked. This is just so surreal" y/n laughed wiping her eyes. John gave her a hug and then she turned to Arthur

"You didn't reply to my letters" she said disheartened

"I...I wrote to you every week for 4 years. But you never wrote to me. So after the war, I stopped" Arthur admitted

"What? But....but I never got your letters" y/n said. "Do you want to come in for a drink? I have alot to talk to you about" they agreed and were soon sat around a kitchen table with a glass of whiskey

"My step father moved us to Spain. I didn't want to go, but I knew I couldn't leave my mother in the hands of that monster. We came back a week ago. He died and mum wanted to come home. She missed it. I wrote to you Arthur. I swear I did. But I think I know why you didn't get the letters"


"I always had to give letters to my step father. And he would post them on his way to work. Thought he was doing me a favour but clearly none of them were ever posted. I...I assumed you just hated me. Didn't want anything to do with us" y/n said trying not to cry

"Y/n, I've always loved you. Nothing could make me ignore you. Nothing" Arthur said reaching for her hand

"Glad to hear. Because I have some pretty big news. Since you clearly didn't get the letters, you probably don't know this. My kid, Arthur. He's your kid. Names him after you because although I thought you didn't want us, I still loved you. I still do" Arthur was shocked to say the least

"He's....he's mine? I have a son? A son? A living...real son?"

"No Arthur. He's a fucking toy" John said making Arthur push him off the chair

"Mum, can I have some food?" Arthur Jr asked. But everyone called him AJ.

"Magic word?"

"Ugh. Please can I have some food?" He asked

"What would you like?" Yn asked

"Hmm...roast dinner?" He suggested

"It's 8 o'clock. I'm not starting a roast fucking dinner. Get your shoes on, we'll go the chippy. You boys coming" y/n asked the shelbys. Tommy and John said they would go home but Arthur didn't want to leave at all. After y/n had sorted her mum out and made sure she was safe in bed, she, Arthur and AJ went to the chippy. They then sat by the cut eating them side by side, AJ in the middle

"So are you me dad then?" Aj asked out of the blue

"Erm...sweetie, how did you know that?" Y/n asked. It wasn't a secret as such. She just wanted to tell him gently, and softly. Maybe after he'd known Arthur for a week or two

"He's got my name. And you keep making googly eyed at eachother"

"We do not make googly eyes at eachother!"

"You do abit mum. But it's alright. You're a good dad aren't you?" Aj asks Arthur

"I don't really know how to be a dad. But I'll figure it out son. I promise" with a smile, Aj continued to eat his chips. Eventually, he fell asleep leaning against y/n.

"I can't believe I have a son" Arthur chuckled

"You'll be there for him won't you Arthur? You won't leave us?"

"Course I'll be there. I love him already. And I love you, always" he said. Y/n leant in gently, and kissed Arthur. It was soft, slow, and short. But it meant alot to them. Just like old times

"Let's be a family ay. I've got a house now. It's nice. And big. Your mum can come and live with us. And aj will get his own room and me and you...we can be together again. Please sweetheart. I want us to be a family. I always wanted kids with you. And I want even more to make you my wife" with a tear rolling down her cheek, y/n agreed

"Yes Arthur. We'll be a family. I love you and never stopped loving you. We should probably get back before he wakes up" she suggested. Arthur lifted Aj up and walked him and y/n home. He carried Aj up to his bed and lay him down. Just before he left, he heard a little voice

"I'm glad your my dad"

"Me too"

"Goodnight dad"

"Goodnight son" as he stepped outside the room, y/n was there with open arms. Arthur didn't realise he had been crying. Happy tears of course. And as he held y/n, he couldn't believe what his life would become just in the course of one afternoon. All of a sudden, he had a child and a fiance and they will app be living together very soon. How it was always supposed to be for the couple

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