Tommy- A gypsy curse

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Sometimes, it's better if we focus on the bad things in life. Put aside the distractions that make us feel joy, and gather all our attention to destroying the dark cloud. Y/n is aware of her dark clouds. She knows exactly who it is. The person who brings her nothing but pain and suffering; only feeds on her displeasure. The issue is of course, she's married to him. She's married to the devil who turned her once pleasant and quaint life into one of sorrow and darkness. She's married to Thomas shelby

"Maybe if you weren't a drunk, I might actually fuck you from time to time" Tommy said whilst they sat eating their dinner. It was the only time of day they actually exchanged conversation

"And maybe if you didn't kill my son, I might still love you" she muttered taking another swig of her drink. Tommy slammed his knife into the table yet she didn't flinch

"You know if I could take it all back, exchange his life for mine, he would be with you right now. And you'd smile, he'd laugh, and I'd be 6 foot deep away from you both" he snarled down her ear

"Give it a rest Tommy. We can't bring him back. Don't you think I've tried? Doesn't matter how much I pray, it was him that died and yet you're still here. But it wasn't his fault was it ay? No. Course not. Because once again, Thomas shelby has left the battle without a scratch, and the people around him have payed the price" y/n took a large gulp of her wine before standing up and leaving the dining room, having ate very little from her roast dinner. She went up to the top floor and into TJ's room. Despite him passing, she could still feel his pain bursting through the walls. The day he left, it was something she'll never forget. Hearing him cry for her when all she could do was watch as he was taken into the hands of God

Flashback. 8 months ago

"Tommy, you promise me, you'll keep him safe?" Y/n asked her husband as she watched her son play fight with Arthur

"He'll be fine. I promise, I won't let anything happen to our boy" delicately, Tommy kissed her forehead and held her head in his hands. That's when Tj came over

"Oh god. You'll be a good boy won't you. Stay with your father, do exactly as he says. Don't stray to far and no-"

"No fighting. Yes I know mum. You've told me a million times. I'm a man now" he said cockily putting his arms out and turning slowly to show off his height

"Well you'll always be my baby. Now come on. Give me a kiss before you go" the 15 year old rolled his eyes but kissed his mother goodbye. Who would've thought that going to the races could've caused that much heartbreak and trouble?

A few hours later, y/n heard screaming coming from outside. She flung the door open to see a fight going on. A car was tipped up although she didn't recognise it. The peaky blinders and the Billy boys were having a street fight. Y/n gasped seeing her son punched in the face. She went over but was knocked down in the choas. That's when it happened. The fire. A man, no one knows which side he was on, got a lighter and set alight a house which spread. Everyone evacuated but explosions were happening whilst it went on

"Tommy" y/n cried as she saw her husband being helped out by the coppers. She rushed over to him and hugged him tightly

"Where's tj?" Tommy asked

"I thought he was with you?"

"Mum. Mum" they heard yelling and whipped their heads around. Tj was on the floor, in the fire, his leg trapped under a fallen pole. Y/n and Tommy rushed over but were pulled back. As Tommy argued with the coppers and threatened them, tj's cries of fear and pain continued. Y/n snook past the coppers and went under the barrier which was to block the civilians from the fire. She only got a few feet before the explosion happened. She awoke a few days later to find out tj had died. Last thing he did was beg his mother for help and she couldn't even do that

End of Flashback

As she sat on his bed crying, an arm wrapped around her. She sobbed into Tommy's jacket

"I know its not your fault Tommy. I'm so sorry for blaming you, please believe me" Tommy rubbed her back and kissed her

"I know my love. He was our baby boy. No matter how old"

"He would've been 16 tomorrow. Oh god. I don't think I can bare it. I always dreaded the day he'd reach 16. An adult, no longer my baby. But I can't believe he'll never get to experience his adult life. Won't get to make the same stupid mistakes we did" she wiped her tears and stood up, attempting to shake herself of these thoughts. Tommy stood up also and gripped her hand in his own

"It's a curse. Nothing other than the devil can take such an innocent boy. I never told you. But when we went to the races, a few of the blinders tried to get him to kiss a girl. He kept looking at her, smiling when she made eye contact. It was torture to see him so nervous. Of course, Arthur and John took no time in teasing him for it. Anyway he went over. Didn't take our advice. Never kissed her. He came back to us and we asked why he didn't kiss the girl. Do you know what he said? He said 'Dad. Why would I kiss a girl without showing her what a proper gentleman I can be?'. That's how I knew we'd raised him right. God he was such a good kid. Didn't deserve any of this" Tommy choked. Y/n had never heard that story before, and it warmed her heart with the most bitter sweet feeling possible

"They say it were gypsy's who made the nails for jesus' Cross. That's why we're cursed and restless. Sometimes I resent my own parents for ever having me. Making me suffer like all other gypsy's under the curse of God. And then I look into your eyes Tommy, and realise how lucky I am to have such a wonderful husband by my side. Someone who looks after me, at my best and worse. You call me out on my drinking. I know I say I hate you for it but it's one of your best qualities. And you're so gentle. I just can't imagine how much harder this would've been if I didn't have you by my side" Tommy kissed her softly, wiping away the few tears that kept pouring

"Atleast Tj did some work in heaven for us. Sent us his gift. And we'll make sure we thank him for it when it's our turn to join him" he put his hand on her small baby bump, only 4 months along. Atleast now the can get some peace of mind. Knowing he's up there, still caring for his family down below

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