John- Her or me pt2

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It had been 2 weeks since y/n moved in with Lizzie. She hasn't seen or spoken to John. He hasn't made any attempt to contact her which she was grateful for, although she wished he would come and see the boys. It was clearly they were missing him

Y/n was on a walk with Arthur, olly on the pram. Johnny was at school

"He does love you y/n. Even if he has a funny way of showing it" Arthur sighs, putting his arm over his sister in law as she leans into him

"I love him Arthur. I've known him since I was 5. He is the father of my sons. And he is still my husband. But I'm not in love with him anymore. How can I be? He's hurt me too much" y/n said. She wasn't crying. These past 2 weeks had been filled with tears, it was like she had none left to cry.

They sat down on a park bench. Arthur got olly out of his pram, tickling his belly making him laugh

"How's Johnny handling it?"

"Not great. He heard me talking to lizzie one night when I thought he was asleep. Now he hates John for hurting me. I keep telling him that John did nothing wrong. That he loves him very much. But Johnny doesn't believe me, no matter how much I lie" y/n sighed

"I'll go talk to John. Maybe I can convince him to see his sons. Take them out for the day"

"Good luck with that. I hate him Arthur. He has ruined everything. But I can't take my sons away from their father. He doesn't deserve them. But they deserve him. They did nothing wrong and they deserve to have a father who loves them"

Later on, y/n was sat with Johnny, helping him with his homework at the kitchen table when there was a knock on the door

"I'll get it" lizzie said with olly on her hip. She came back a moment later with john following behind her

"Oh...erm" y/n was startled, not knowing what to say. He looked terrible. His hair was a mess. Bags under his eyes. Bloodshot eyes from crying.

"No. Stay away. I hate you" Johnny yelled standing between John and y/n.

"Son, I'm sorry. I've done some terrible things. And I know you hate me right now. I hate myself aswell. But I'm trying to make things right. I promise I am" Johnny just shakes his head, running to y/n as he cries, breaking everyone's heart

"It's ok sweetie. Why don't you go and play in your room" lizzie suggested. Johnny looked at y/n and only left when she nodded, signalling that it would be OK. Lizzie left with olly so it was just John and y/n

"I like you dress" John says awkwardly

"Why are you here john?" Y/n sighs, not wanting any small talk

"I'm sorry. What I did was unforgivable. And I'm not asking for your forgiveness. But I am asking for a second chance. Please. I love you and our boys with all my heart. I made a stupid mistake and you're right, I don't deserve you or the kids. But I need you. Please. I love you so much y/n. I always have. I have no excuse for what I've done. Just come home. I'll take the spare room if you'd like. I just want us all under one roof again. Please" John was on his knees begging for another chance

"John, just get up. I hate you. And do you know what I hate most about this situation? I still love you. That's why it hurts so much. Because I can't believe that someone I love, someone who loves me could ever do something like this. But I will move back in with you. Because I love you so much. And not seeing you these past 2 weeks has been so difficult. But let's get one thing straight. If you ever, do anything like this again, if you so much as kiss another woman's hand, I swear to god, I will leave and you will not be seeing the boys. Is that understood?"

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