Alfie- Fun and curiosity

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Y/n Shelby: smart, beautiful, badass. All these wonderful things and yet there's another quality of hers that drags her down. Causes issues and always ends badly. Curiosity. Being John's twin sister, she was always with her brothers, and that meant they grew very protective, very quickly

"Oh please tommy" she begged

"Not a chance" he answered chuckling at her childish behaviour. Another thing about y/n, she longed to be part of her brothers business. And she is, sort of. She has a cap, beats people up, threatens people in the name of the peaky blinders, and she helps them when it comes to the practical side of it. Mainly because they knew she could handle a few punches. However, when it comes to meetings, and knowing of things, they tend to leave her out. Y/n didn't know this, but it was purely because Tommy didn't want any business partners or enemies to see her in meetings, and use her in their little plans

"Y/n, why do you even want to go to London? You hated it last time we went" Arthur said making her pull a face at him

"Last time we went, dear brother, i fell down 3 flights of stairs, broke my leg and was stuck in hospital for the rest of the trip. I didn't hate London. I just happened to dislike that week" y/n reminded him

"You didn't answer the question. Why do you care about going London?" Tommy asked

"Oh Tommy, dear, sweet Tommy" she mocked "i know sometimes it's hard to understand when you have fewer brain cells than the average human, but just try your best to comprehend the fact that it would be nice to know why I'm killing a man when, as I'm sure, in the future, these people piss you off" if it were anyone else talking to Tommy like that, they would've gone home with 1 leg and 9 fingers. Since it was y/n, her comment was only followed with a chuckle

"So you're curious why I get angry with certain people?"

"Exactly!" She exclaimed

"Y/n, havnt we discovered by now that you and curiosity don't work well together" John laughed

"Give me one example!" Y/n dared. Arthur scoffed and began listing

"When you were 9 and wanted to know where babies come from so looked in a book, saw some images and cried for a week. When you were 12 and wondered why god likes to make it snow so stood outside for hours analysing the patterns before getting hyperthermia and almost dying. Age 16, wanted to know why John always locked his door at night. So you stole his key and walked in on him creating you a little niece. Age 18, curious how much alcohol it would take for you to sleep with some unattractive but rich guy. You drank alot of alcohol, walked over to him and threw up all over him. And just last week when you wanted to know where finn kept sneaking off to. You came back traumatised and refuse to tell us what you saw. Shall I continue?" Y/n sat with her arms folded, slouched in Tommy's chair

"I said name 1" she grumbled

"The point is, you aren't coming to London. End of discussion" Fine. If they wouldn't take y/n willingly, then she'd have to find another way to go with them

The car journey to London was going smoothly. Everything was fine. As they arrived in London, y/n jumped out of the boot causing her brothers to scream like little girls

"Jesus fucking christ" Tommy groaned

"Were you in there the entire time?" John asked

"Yep" she said popping the p before walking infront of her brothers and entering the bakery they had parked outside. Her brothers followed her and they went round the back of the bakery. There was an office which they waited outside before a man let them all in. Y/n followed them in much to her brothers annoyance

"Ello. Sit down please" the man said

"And who might this be? Don't recognise you doll"

"Im-" but y/n was interrupted

"She's unimportant to this meeting so ignore her existence" Tommy told the man but she just elbowed him round the back of the head

"I can speak for myself thank you very much. I'm y/n Shelby. Their sister. You must be Alfie solomons. I've heard abit about you, although not much. Just that you're a business partner of my brothers and you're a fucking cockney" Alfie chuckled at her fiery attitude

"I like her Tommy. Got personality" y/n smirked and took a seat next to John as her brothers rolled their eyes. The meeting was boring and y/n just wanted it to be over so she could sort out why she really came here. For some fun. The girl didn't have a clue what they were talking about, since she didn't know any of their workers, or what they actually do. She doesn't even know about Tommy supplying drugs and guns. All she knows is that her brothers are in a dangerous business, and when someone needs punishing, she's the one to do it

"Right, thank you alfie" Tommy shook his hand but John and Arthur stood back. Alfie tried to hug Arthur but stepped away after he was threatened

"Y/n? You coming?" John asked

"Just a minute. I need a quick word with Mr solomons about how to refer to a lady without ignoring her" Tommy was used to this so just left her to it. The second that door closed, Alfie apologised

"Didn't mean to offend you miss shelby"

"Shut up and kiss me" she pushed him against his desk and kissed his lips roughly, much to Alfie surprise. They pulled apart and he had a huge grin on his face

"This evening, Mr solomons, you will take me out for dinner, buy me flowers, take me back to your place and fuck me. 7 o'clock sharp. Someone will send you the address" Alfie looked at the woman in awe, wondering how such a character could be related to the expressionless Thomas shelby

"As you wish miss shelby. And please, call me alfie"

"OK Alfie. You keep calling me miss shelby. I like it" she winked at him before leaving to go with her brothers. They got in the car to drive back but she stopped them

"Ada lives 20 minutes from here. I'm gonna stay with her for the night. Have some girl time" john scoffed at her

"You mean you're gonna fuck Alfie tonight?" Her brothers got used to the fact she was growing up. And she had slept with many men as they found out from whores at the pub. They didn't care and realised she was old enough to make her own mistakes. As much as they disliked Alfie, Tommy knew that he would treat her right, even if they are just a one night stand

"Ye well, whatever you do, I don't want a messy break up to cost me thousands in supplies" Tommy warned

"Don't worry. I'm not a relationship kind of person. More of a hump and dump" she admitted making Arthur fake gag as she laughed

"Oh shut up. I've heard all about you and the whores from the streets. Atleast i can get layed without paying em" y/n annoyed her brother as she got out and began walking to Ada's front door

"Goodbye dear brothers. Pick me up tomorrow about 9am. I'll be at Alfie's. Bye" she waved loudly, everyone in the street able to hear her. Oh well. Atleast she'll have some fun tonight

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