Finn- young love

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Y/n had a massive crush on her school friend, Finn shelby. They dated once, but they were 8 and broke up when finn wouldn't share his food. Now, they simply flirt, and hang around like any friends would. Although there is always a group of them, never alone. So it can be hard for any feelings to be shared. Particularly when all their riends are making jokes about how finn fucked some whore. This time, however, y/n and finn would be alone because after all deciding to meet up, their friends cancelled last minute. They were quite obviously set up but it was mean for the to cancel aswell

Y/n knocked on the door of polly gray and the man who she really didn't want to answer, answered. Just her luck

"Morning Mr shelby, I'm here for finn" y/n said to Tommy but he just looked at her. Once John and Arthur heard a girls voice, they rushed to the door

"You better come in love. He's running abit late" Arthur lied knowing full well that they hadn't told finn his girl was here for him

"So tell us, whats ya name?" John asked

"Y/n y/l/n" she introduced feeling very nervous in a room full of peaky blinders

"Don't be frightened. We would never hurt Finns girl" Tommy said

"I am NOT Finns girl" she retaliated suddenly finding her confidence after saying the same sentence she tells her friends every day

"Ha. You will be by the end of today, I guarantee. So just you two going out?" Arthur asked

"Ye, just the two of us"

"And what you got planned?" Tommy asked. Y/ns eyes widened as she tried to think of a lie

"Don't worry, we heard the sound of bottles from your bag when you walked in. We don't care so long as finn doesn't end up being sick on one of us. He may be a shekby but he's still just 16" John told her.

"What the fuck?" They heard finn from the doorway. Without another word, he grabbed y/ns hand and pulled her out the house as his brothers shouted after him for him to wear protection. They both walked down to the bridge and sat under it

"So, now I didn't bring any protection as arthur said but I'm sure we'll be fine" finn joked puting his arm around her

"Ha. Ye right. I've seen how many kids your brother has. I do not trust shelby sperm. That dick comes near me and ill bite it off then feed it to the ducks" y/n warned him as he chuckled

"Oh just shut up and give me a bottle" finn yelled pushing her over and taking her bag. Y/n rolled over and pinned finn down but he rolled and was soon ontop of her, with her hands behind her head, there lips centimetres apart

"Now you have 2 options, you can a) kiss me and then fuck me. Or b) give me a bottle of whiskey with a kiss"

"So either way, I'm gonna kiss you?" Y/n raised her eyebrows

"Just the rules"

"Well I suppose if those are my only two options" finn smirked and bent down for that kiss. As their lips touched slightly, vicky used his distracted mind and kicked him off but he stumbled back and into the river, quickly climbing out

"That was just mean" he said with a pout as y/n laughed wildly. She had such a natural and love filled laugh.

"That looks refreshing. Although I don't fancy getting my clothes wet" y/n took off her dress and finn watched in awe. Her bra and underpants came next although he couldn't see her boobes because she faced away much to his dissapointment. Y/n smirked before diving into the water and resurfacing

"Come on shelby, don't be a pussy" she yelled splashing him. Finn got undressed, not even attempting to cover a thing and Canon balled in. Her swam over to her and lifted her up as her legs wrapped around his waist

"You really are a cunt aren't you?" Finn asked

"Rude much"

"It's fucking freezing" he laughed before kissing at her cheek and then eventually at her mouth. Their lips connected in a moment of passion and excitement, the fear of being caught only brought more adrenaline. Finns hands worked their way down from her waist to her lower hips. Once hand grabbed her butt cheek to hold her up and the other crept up her thigh and just as finn was about to reach that special spot

"HEY! GET OUTTA THERE!" A man who worked on the boats had spotted them and they quickly had to climb out and throw their clothes on before running back to Finns

"Holy fuck" artgur muttered in surprise when 2 teenagers walked in with their hair ringing wet and clothes soaked

"We er...we went for a swim" finn said before they went upstairs leaving his brothers dumbfounded. Y/n got into Finns bedroom and he went to the bathroom, coming back with towels for them both. They got undressed, facing away. And then got dressed again but y/n had to wear Finns shirt and decided on no pants since it was all covered anyway

"Fuck I'm knackered" finn yawned

"Can I stay over? Parents around kill me if I go home looking like this" y/n asked

"Course" finn jumped on the bed and under the covers. Y/n joined him, her head going to his chest and her arms wrapped around his waist. It had turned dark outside as they were getting dressed and finn had forgotten to draw the curtains. Y/n got out and went to close them but had to reach up high as one loop got caught and wouldn't move any further. As she reached, the shirt moved up and finn couldn't help but peak

Y/n walked back to the bed and got in next to finn

"Does this mean you're finally my girl?" Finn asked

"I don't know. You haven't asked me" y/n told him with a smirk

"Will you, y/n y/l/n, do me the honours of being my girlfriend?"

"Why yes I would" he smiled at his girl, kissed her on the lips. They cuddled up closer and as they were about to doze off



"I know you were watching me change through the mirror"

"Fuck. Thought i was being clever" he admitted

"Well you were until I heard you moan the very second I dropped the towel. Gave it away" she giggled, kissing his cheek. Guess artgur was right. Guess y/n couldn't finally say she was Finns girl

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