Finn- shoes and dancing

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It was a marriage like no other. Since the age of 5, y/n and finn had been neighbours and best friends. Everyone in both family's knew that sooner or later, a wedding would unite them. And at the age of 16, it did just that. Their marriage was full of love, dancing, music and fun. What more could they need?

17 year old y/n was running to the garrison as fast as her legs would carry her. She eventually got there after what felt like a marathon

"You are not gonna believe this!" Y/n exclaimed with excitement as she sort of crashed the meeting. It wasn't a family meeting otherwise she'd be there already. It was a gang meeting

"Darling, we're in the middle of something. Come back in half an hour and then tell us" Tommy told the girl. He had known her since she was a baby. All the shelbys (except finn of course) treating her like a little sister

"Please Tommy its-"

"I'll meet you back home and you can tell me then" finn said kissing her hand

"Fine" she turned on her heels but stopped just before she opened the door. "Guess you don't care about the letter from the king" she chimed. John stopped her from leaving as everyone looked at eachother in shock

"Go on y/n. You can stay. Tell us about this letter" Arthur said pouring her a drink

"Well, there's a sale at the new Italian shoe shop down the road. Gorgeous shoes they are, but bloody expensive. 75% off because it's almost Christmas. And I've seen these really nice heels. I won't both explaining them to you, you'd think I were speaking Greek. But what I'm trying to say is I just bought some new shoes and they are so pretty!" Finn smirked at his wife, realising what she'd done. Tommy put his head in his hands

"So there was no letter from the king. You just wanted to tell us about some fucking shoes" John laughed but he was annoyed

"Oh no. There is a letter from the king. I just thought my story was more important" she dropped an envelope on the table, kissed finn and then walked out. Safe to say that Finn made sure to check out his wife's arse before she left

Back at home, y/n was waiting for her husband. She was sat by the fire, attempting to warm up her feet

"Show us these shoes then" finn had just walked in and hung his coat up

"Didn't think you'd care that much" y/n smiled at him as he came over and kissed her. Finn sat on her before she laughed and pushed him off

"Couldn't give less of a fuck. But I'll pretend to care just for you" he smiled. Y/n rolled her eyes and allowed finn to sit down. She climbed on his lap and began kissing his cheek

"You are fucking freezing my love" y/n said stroking his cheek

"Warm me up then" he grinned

"OK. I will" she stood up and left the room. Finn was excited by the time she came back. But his face fell when he saw she was fully clothed, just now there was music playing and she'd got them both a glass of shandy

"Dancing will warm you up. Come on, on your feet" finn just sat there rolling his eyes

"Finn shelby, dance with me before I join the bloody convent" that made him jump up chuckling. His arm wrapped around her waist and she held his hand as he spun y/n around the room, kissing her every chance he got

"Graceful as Swan Lake finn" theh both stopped and saw the boys stood watching

"Piss off" he grumbled

"Come on then Arthur, let's see if you can do any better ay" y/n went over to Arthur and began dancing with him, it was fun but with his drunken state, it was far from graceful. She made sure to dance with all the shelby men that night as the others played cards, smoked and drank their way to happiness

Even as a child, she loved dancing. There were times when Arthur would be made to dance in the street with her, or Tommy would spend hours twirling her around just to see the famous smile. When they left for war, y/n danced with polly, ada, finn and anyone who looked like they needed it. There was an old man across the road. About 80. His wife died during a bombing and he refused to speak to anyone. Spent months confined in his house with the curtains shut. Y/n knocked on one day with some home made bread, gave it to the man and helped him pour a drink. They danced together and for the first time since his wife's passing, the man was happy

Y/n ended up falling asleep on the sofa that night, leaning against Tommy. The boys continued with their card games until finn decided it was time to go to bed. They all left and he carried y/n up to their room, getting her changed and tucking her in. His arm wrapped around her waist and she automatically rolled in to him

"Goodnight my love" he said kissing her head

"Night finny" she mumbled half asleep. He chuckled at her groggy voice until he two fell asleep

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