John- Family Hatred

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Y/n and John had been married for 7 years. They had 2 gorgeous children together, Nathan(4) and Sophie(6). They were also expecting another as y/n was 3 months pregnant

"Please tell me our son is insane" John pleaded as he ran downstairs after putting the kids to bed

"Well that's one way to start a conversation" y/n muttered sitting on the sofa with her feet up

"Nathan just told me that his nan and grandad are coming round for tea tomorrow. Now, be honest, are you parents joining us for tea?" John asked

"Right, well thing is, since we are going pollys, she suggested a big family tea would be a nice time to tell my family the news" y/n said smiling although she wasn't fond of the idea either

"Why? Why do we have to tell them? Let's keep this one a secret!" John suggested with a hopeful smile but y/n just shook her head and laughed

"John, you're a peaky blinder, you have no reason to be scared of my parents"

"Wait, is it just your parents?" John asked. Y/n kept quiet so he groaned and flopped ontop of her, his head in the crook of her neck as they lay down

"Oh honey, it'll be alright. My brothers love you"

"They hate me"

"OK so they hate you. But I don't care. I love you and that's all that matters" y/n kissed his nose

"I hate you" he mumbled so she whacked him round the head


"I love you"

"Correct" they cuddled on the sofa, John's hand resting on her very small baby bump which they noticed the day before. The issue with y/ns family was they were very protective. And they have a habit of punching John in the face. Like on occasions such as...

. First time meeting them
. Bringing y/n home from a date
. Asking to marry her
. Revealing engagement
. Getting married
. Moving in together
. First pregnancy
. Second pregnancy
. Any other time they get the chance

Y/ns mother was very snobby, didn't believe that the shelbys were good enough for her daughter. But her dad, well no one was good enough for his little girl. Not a single person. John could he heir to a throne and they still wouldn't accept them. She also has 2 brothers, Theo and Henry, they are older than her by quite a few years. Henry is the youngest and 17 years older. Safe to say, y/n was a surprise baby. Both are very protective of their little sister, trying to persuade her to join a convent at one time. John hated them, with a passion. Which was understandable as they always gave him some form of a bruise

The day came and they were sat around pollys waiting for y/ns family to show up. The good thing was, her family lived in Ireland, so they didn't see eachother very often

"Nervous John boy?" Arthur asked chuckling as John scoffed

"Course not. Why would I be scared?"

"Daddy doesn't get scared" Sophie told her uncle

"Is that so?"

"Ye. Only when mummy raises her eyebrows. But other than that, he's never scared" they all laughed at his daughter as John just groaned. This meal would be hell

"Don't be scared of my father. He's a good man....sort of. Look, you know I'll stick up for you but he's just not the most understanding. He'll come round to the idea of us and eventually he'll love you" y/n told her husband kissing his cheek

"We have 2 children together. How long does it take?"

"Honey, do you remember when Sophie came home from school with a boyfriend. You went mental and stormed round his house. The poor kid changed schools because of your threats"

"Ye well...that's different"

"Why? Because the kid you threatened was 5?" Y/n asked making him roll his eyes. Then a knock on the door. Y/n opened it

"Hi daddy" her father hugged her and spun her around. Everyone came in and y/ns mother rushed to her grandchildren

"My little angels. How are you liking home? You know, if you ever wanted, you can come and live in Belfast with nanny and grandad" her mother suggested

"Mam, please just leave the poor kids alone" y/n said ushering everyone to the table. The meal was going alright. There was tension in the air, that much was clear, but no fights so far. John had offered to shake his father in laws hand but he just looked at it and walked off

"So, you still liking to English man then?" Theo asked stuffing his face

"Theo, I'm married to John, I love him of course I do. And dont act like you hate all the English. You certainly havnt got a problem with their food" you said nodding towards his plate which was almost empty compared to everyone else who'd only just started

"Why are we here?" Henry asked


"It was abit of a strange invitation sweetheart. Very random. We assumed someone was dead" her mother said

"Me and John have something to tell you" y/n was gripping John's hand under the table

"We're having another baby" John said. John's family already knew. But y/ns family remained quiet for a few moments thinking

"Y/n" Henry said


"You do know how to keep your legs closed don't you? Maybe you should start doing that" y/n gasped

"Are you tryna call me a whore?"

"If the shoe fits" he shrugged.

"Turn around, bend over, I'll show you where the shoe fits" y/n yelled standing up abruptly. The family began arguing until it turned to John

"Is this some sort of joke to you? Knocking my daughter up?" Y/ns mother asked John

"I'm happy, but I think a joke is pushing it" he replied

"I may be getting on in my years, but that doesn't mean I can't beat you up just like I did the last time I was here" your father stood up and then tommy yelled

"ENOUGH" you mouthed a thank you to him

"You think you have authority over me lad?" Your father asked Tommy

"Daddy, shut up! This is ridiculous. Everytime I'm happy, you have to go and ruin it. I don't understand why. You know what it's like to have children, you love us all even though you have a funny way of showing it. I'm sure you and mam were happy when she was pregnant. Why can't I be happy? I invite you into our home, polly cooks us this lovely meal, and all you can do is insult my family and me"

"Don't you speak to me like that girl" he snaps

"I'm not a little girl anymore! For christ sake, I'm almost 30! I'm almost fucking 30 and I still get yelled at for sticking up for myself. I'm not gonna let you push me around anymore. And I'll be damned if I sit back and let my husband go home with a black eye. Now I'd like you to leave. You can see the children and me when you learn to accept that I am a shelby, and John is my husband, nothing you say or do can change that" after much debate, y/ns parents leave. Everyone goes home and the moment the kids are upstairs, y/n begins to cry

"You ok baby?" John asks wrapping his arm around you and kissing your cheeks

"I'm surprised in all honesty. Never thought I'd stick up for myself like that. As a kid, I couldn't even correct my father, could only voice opinions if it agreed with his own. I'm just scared that they won't change, and then I won't ever see them again" John hugs her closer to his chest, kissing her head and rubbing her back

"You will see them again. I promise, I wouldn't let that happen. Now come on, we should get to bed. It's been a stressful day and you are in need of a massage" John says hitting your bum as you walk upstairs laughing

"What kind of massage Mr shelby?" You ask as you walk towards you room. John kisses your neck

"Ah, the best kind" you smile

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