John- Fever

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Y/n had never had a day off work. Not once. Even when she gave birth, she was lucky enough that her children were born in holidays or the weekend and didn't take maternity leave. She worked as a teacher and although her husband John insisted she didn't need to work, y/n loved her job and stuck with it. Since becoming a teacher age 22, the 31 year old hadn't missed a single day. Well, that was until recently

Y/n woke up to the sound of the baby crying. It was 5 in the morning and due to breastfeeding, she had no choice but to get up and feed the bugger. She loved her kids really. Just didn't enjoy the 5 o'clock feeds. Y/n stood up and suddenly had to sit back down again, holding her head. It was just a dizzy spell which soon passed and she went to go and feed the baby.

"Shhh. You'll wake your daddy up baby boy" y/n cooed to her 2 month old son. She heard footsteps behind her and turned around to see a sleepy John

"It's OK. Daddy's awake" John sat down and y/n sat on his knee as she held the now feeding baby. She rested her banging head against John's shoulder

"Darling, are you alright? You're burning up" John said putting his hand against her forehead

"I'm fine"

"No you're not. Tell me the truth please honey" he begged

"Ugh fine. I guess I feel a little warm. And my head hurts abit. But it's nothing a little medicine won't fix" she told her husband

"Maybe you should take the-"

"Don't even say it John. You know I don't take time off work. If I do, then the poor children get stuck with a cover teacher who doesn't know what they're doing. It isn't fair on the little ones"

"Please baby. Just take 1 day off. I'll stay home with you and make sure you feel better. And polly can look after the kids" he kissed her forehead and once the baby was asleep, carried her back to bed

"I love you. But I'm going work tomorrow"

"Fuck sake" he grumbled

The next day, y/n woke up with a temperature and an awful headache. But she got up, got dressed for work and then proceeded to wake the children

"Jack baby. Its time to get up" her 15 year old son buried his face into his pillow even further. She then went and woke up Katie

"Katie my love, school" she said

"I'm taking the day off"

"Why?" Y/n asked. They had the same argument each morning

"I already know everything" she groaned

"You don't know everything"

"I know enough. I helped dad with the numbers the other day. So I can get a job"

"Don't be a smart arse" y/n told her daughter

"If I'm a smart arse then I don't need school" y/n took the covers off the 14 year old and left the room just wanting the day to be over already

She then went and woke up her other children. Ages 12,11,10,6,5,4. Her 3,2,1 and 2 month old didn't need waking up. Polly looks after them on a Monday. And the nanny every other day

The kids were sitting eating breakfast whilst John got dressed for work. Suddenly, y/n felt awfully dizzy and had to hold onto the worktop and grab her head. Jack (15) was quick to his mums side

"Mum, you alright?" Y/n couldn't answer from how terrible she felt. Her son, who is taller than her now, put his arm round her waist and held her hand to keep her from fainting

"Katie, go get dad" and so her daughter rushed upstairs. John was down in a matter of seconds and he took Jack's place

"Alright. Erm kids, go get your shoes on and your school bags. Jack, Katie, make sure everyone's got everything" John said as the kids went to do what John said. When it was just the 2 of them in the kitchen, he sat his wife down and gave her some water

"Drink this darling" y/n didn't need to be asked twice

"Now will you please take the day off?" Y/n nodded her head and John sighed in relief. John went and called Arthur. He was gonna get the kids to school. Could be interesting but they didn't have any other choice. Polly came round and got the younger ones as she normally would anyway to give y/n some piece and quiet

John carried y/n up the stairs and layed her down on the bed. He got out a night gown and helped her get dressed. He also changed out of his work suit. He got a blanket for them and they cuddled up on the sofa with y/ns back against John's chest and his arms around them

"You know, you still look sexy" John whispered in her ear making y/n laugh. He did his best to try and cheer her up

"Stop it. I look like a mess"

"But you're my mess" he kissed her head and hugged her closer

"Get some sleep gorgeous" John told his wife and that's exactly what she did. They slept together for a few hours before waking up

"Honey, you're burning up again" John said feeling y/ns forehead

"The kids will be back soon. I don't want to give them anything" she said trying to stand up. John helped her immediately and couldn't help but chuckle at his wife's stubbornness

"OK my love. Let's get you to bed" he lifted her up and carried her just in time before the kids got home from school. He tucked his wife in and then went to check on them

"How was school?" He asked

"Daddy" his 6 year old daughter yelled surprised to see her dad home so early

"School was really good. I got asked out by this boy. But i said no because last week, he pulled my friends hair. And I had art, and I think I might need a new skirt" John looked down at his daughters skirt which was covered in blue, green and red paint

"Lovely" he muttered. The younger ones went off to play but Jack and Katie stayed behind

"How's mum?" Jack asked

"She's upstairs. Got abit of a fever but she'll be fine. Didn't want to pass anything onto you"

"Do you want us watch the others for abit while you look after her?" Katie asked

"No its fine. She's sleeping now" he said kissing his daughters head and bringing his two eldest in for a hug

"Hey dad. I'm taller than you" Jack said

"Fuck off. No you're not" John laughed

"He's is dad. Jacks an inch taller than you" Jack smiled proudly and John just elbowed him playfully. They went and sat with the other kids except Katie. She made a detour and went up to her parents bedroom. She knocked and then walked in. Her mum was lay there looking very ill

"Hey baby. Go downstairs honey. I don't want to give you anything" she said

"I don't care" Katie smiled and ran over to get in bed with her mother. She cuddled up and wrapped an arm around her. Y/n felt so much better holding her daughter, she felt happier and healthier although it wasn't possible. It wasn't long before y/n was back on her feet and luckily, she hadn't passed her bug onto anyone in the family. Everyone was well

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