John- Parenting

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Johnny- 16
Katie- 15
Ruby- 14
Archie- 13
Sophie- 8
Henry- 7
Oscar- 6
Lucas- 5
Matilda- 4
Lilibet- 3
Simon- 2
Eric- 1

John and y/n were a happy couple. But that's not to say they didn't have their issues. The problem with being such a happy couple means alot of sex, and sex results in kids. Whilst they love each and every one of their 12 children, there is never a time when all are perfectly well. Atleast one has to be angry or ill or tired.

"It's like they have a bloody vendetta against us" y/n grumbles as she rolls out of bed from hearing her kids yelling. John Gets up with her and the pair make their way to their eldest sons room

"I fucking hate you" he yells at their eldest daughter who tells him to fuck off ad a reply

"Oi! Watch your mouth" John tells them

"It's so unfair! Johnny is dating my best friend! So now he's always around and won't just piss off" John clips her round the ear for swearing once again

"Son, well done on the girlfriend but you need to give Katie abit of space, even if that means not seeing your girlfriend as much. Now go to your own rooms and get some sleep" John tells them. Johnny gets in bed and Katie storms off. Y/n goes over and kisses her sons head

"So you're dating chloe. She's a lovely girl. But if she hurts you, just tell me and ill deal with her" y/n tells him making him roll his eyes playfully. Her and John leave the room to check the other children are asleep

They go into Henry's room and chuckle at the sight. Henry is not in his bed as he should be at midnight, but sitting in his window with his glasses still on and book almost slipping from his fingers. Y/n takes off his glasses and puts the book back as John carries Henry back to his bed

"But-" their son tries to protest about stopping reading but he's too tired to get any more words out and falls asleep once his head hits the pillow

The other children are asleep. All except Eric who is stood up in his cot laughing one he sees his parents

"You should be asleep little man. Don't think I can deal with a grumpasaurus tomorrow" y/n tells him making him lie down as she covers him up. He looks just like John. All the kids do. All except lilibet who looks exactly like y/n. And then Sophie who has fiery red hair and looks nothing like either of them. They've questioned more than once if they took the wrong baby home from the hospital

After such a long time of checking, all children are asleep and quiet so the couple go back to bed. They cuddle up close to stay warm and finally fall asleep. Well that was until they were awoken abruptly by Ruby shaking them awake

"What's wrong honey?" Y/n grumbles

"Somethings wrong with archie" she says. They hear the cry in Ruby's voice and immediately get up from bed. As they near archies room, they can hear his cries of pain. In the room, Katie is holding his hand and kissing his head as Johnny is telling the awoken matilda to go back to bed

"Archie, baby, what hurts?" Y/n asks. Both parents felt sick seeing their child in such agony

"My stomach" he tells her closing his eyes and rolling about with sweat dripping from his forehead. He is suddenly sick on the bed. John lifts him up out of bed and carefully but quickly goes downstairs

"You two are in charge. Just go back to bed and polly will be around in the morning" y/n tells them

"Mum....he'll be alright won't he?" Ruby asks

"Of course he will" her and John leave the house and get in the car with archie. He's crying in the back of the car with y/n as John drives to the hospital. The 10 minute journey felt like a lifetime when he was in such pain

John rushes him in to the hospital and nurses gather around, taking him from John as the parents cry out for their boy who has passed out from the pain. Once they've taken Johnny, y/n and John are left in the hallway shaking and in tears

"Oh darling" John says seeing his wife cry. He opens his arms for her and she rushes in, sobbing into his chest. John grabs her face and they look at one another

"Archie will be fine. They'll make him better and in a month, it will be like the whole thing never happened" John tells her. She nods although not convinced

After many hours of waiting and asking for some news, a doctor comes out of archies room.

"Archie had appendicitis. We have removed his appendix and he's currently asleep from the drugs. You can go and sit with him but I doubt he'll wake up before 4 hours. I'll send a nurse to give you some after surgery home care tips. We'll keep your son in for 3 nights and if everything remains stable, then he can be discharged" the doctor tells them. They thank him and go to see their son.

"He looks so small" y/n cries slightly seeing her son lay in thay hospital bed asleep. She knows he is going to be well again, but there's something about knowing how vulnerable he is that is enough to make a grown man cry

"We'll have to get him something for being so brave. I think he's ready for his first gun" John suggests to which y/n punches his arm. Johnny and Katie have their own guns. And Ruby although John and y/n are not aware of that

After many hours, and phone calls from home, archie finally wakes up

"Hey baby boy. We're at the hospital" y/n tells him passing him some water and helping him drink. He rubs his eyes to adjust to the light

"What happened?" He asks

"You had appendicitis mate. But they've taken your appendix out so you'll be fine now. Just have to take it easy. Not school for a couple weeks" John says

"Wicked. Can I keep my appendix?" He asks excitedly. John laughs whilst y/n expresses a look of concern

"You really are your father's son" 

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