Tommy- Ex from Hell

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Y/n often wondered if she had made the right decision. She was away from him. From the vile ways in which he treated her. But now she was alone. Truly, undoubtedly alone. Living in a small one bedroom flat in Manchester, she soon realised that things were not safe. Every where she turned, she expected to see him. The man she had been running from. It took several months before she realised, but Manchester was not far enough away from her ex. So she had to leave, find a new job and live elsewhere. She wasn't sure what it was, but something made her choose small heath Birmingham

"I was wondering if you had any jobs for a barmaid?" Y/n asked the local pub she had come across. The man inspected her. Looked her up and down and then shook his head

"Sorry love. You won't find a job round here. Even if you did, you'd be eaten alive. Trust me, I'm saying this for your own benefit" the man said

"If you're not gonna give me a job, then can I atleast have a drink?" She asked

"We're closed" he replied

"I haven't ate or drank anything for 48 hours. This is the first safe place I've been to in over a week and since the hope of getting a job here is gone, I no longer need to act all polite. Get me a vodka, or I'll go back there and get one myself" y/n demanded. With shock, the man did just that

"Names Arthur shelby" but she didn't reply

"Well do I get to know your name or is it a mystery?" He chuckled

"You can call me Bea" she introduced, giving him a fake name out of fear. The doors flung open and in walked 3 men

"Thoyght you were closing Arthur" the youngest of the men said

"I did. But I decided to get this lovely lady a drink before she strangled me. Doesn't seem like someone to should cross" Arthur admitted.

"Take your water, and leave. We have business" y/n or bea, knew this man to be Tommy shelby. She had seen him in the papers. She gulped down her drink leaving only a small bit at the bottom and then left the pub

"Get us a drink arthur" John said

"Get it yourself you lazy sod"

"I'll get it" finn said all too eager. He handed John the glass that the girl had drank out of. Being too tired to notice, John gulped it down

"Ugh fucking hell. She wasn't drinking water. That's vodka that is" John exclaimed, spitting the drink out

"She's quite the woman" Tommy said

2 months later

Y/n had eventually convinced Arthur to let her have a job as barmaid. And so she had made great friends with the shelbys. They promised her protection. Arthur was careful and concerned in a loving way as he always made sure the men spoke to her well when she served them. Women loved her as she and finn mucked around constantly and could make anyone laugh. She played drinking games with John after closing time. And she and Tommy were very good at flirting and then pretending like nothing had happened.

As y/n was wiping a table after closing, she felt a hand squeeze her arse cheeks

"Oh god. Tommy, made me jump out me skin" she giggled as he kissed at her neck

"How's my girl?" He asked

"Confused. I don't understand how the tables manage to get so sticky and to be honest, I'm slightly scared to find out" she laughed by still half serious.

"So, when are you going to make me your girlfriend?" Y/n asked

"Bea, its not safe for you to be my girlfriend. Easier if we just pretend the feelings aren't there because I can't lose you. Too many risks involved" as she frowned, Tommy continued to kiss at her cheek in order to cheer her up. It dark outside, and they knew they wouldn't be disturbed. But then the sound of a gun firing caught their attention.

"I'll see whats going on. Stay here, out of the way" with one last kiss, he left and y/n was back to cleaning tables

"Well well well. You move on quick" y/n whipped her head around and that's when she saw him. George, her boyfriend who thought it was OK to rape her. She backed against the table, not knowing where she should go

"Please leave george" he ran up to her and pinned her down on the table. His sweaty hand against her mouth as she kicked and screamed. His hand parted her legs and eventually was holding her down. Y/n bit his hand and she took her chance

"TOMMY. TOMMY HELP" She screamed at the top of her lungs. As George kissed her neck roughly and slapped her, his weight was suddenly lifted off her. Arthur and John were stood over his body, kicking and beating him as Tommy held a shaking y/n

"Let's go home" Tommy took her back to his house. She had yet to explain who George was but knew it would come up in conversation eventually.

"Do you know him?" Tommy asked as he held her against his chest on the sofa

"He's the reason I came to small heath. George. We had a teenage romance. But over the course of one year, he changed with drugs and alcohol. He hit me once but promised to never do it again. Begged for my forgiveness. I was naive enough to fall for his facade. A little while later, he came home drunk one night with his friends. I yelled at him for his state as he smashed the house up. Then they......they pinned me down and.....raped me one by one. So I left. Oh Tommy. I thought I'd finally got away from him. Changed my name and everything so he wouldn't find me" she sobbed

"He's a vile fucking cock. And he will pay, I promise. I won't let anyone hurt you. You're mine, and I love you"

"I love you too" They shared a kiss before enjoying the comfortable silence from the exhaustion. Until Tommy spoke up

"So whats your real name?"

"My real name is y/n. I come from Manchester, not Stoke like I told you, and I've never been to university. I just made up an entire character"

"I think I love you even more now and I never thought that possible"

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