Alfie- Nope

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Y/n loved him. With all her heart. She had never loved anyone as much as she loved him

"Nope" Alfie said

"Oh please Alfie. He is so cute" y/n begged holding her newborn nephew

"Tommy take the baby away or she'll end up kidnapping the poor bugger" Alfie said

"Just one. Then I'll stop asking"

"You don't need a kid y/n" Arthur chimes in

"And you don't need cigarettes. We all have our things. Pretty please with a cherry ontop" she begs kissing Alfies cheek to convince him

"Absolutely fucking not. If we have a kid, that means we gotta deal with shit filled nappies, getting up crack of dawn, spending money on Christmas gifts they'll play with once, buy them clothes they'll only grow out of within weeks. We gotta raise a full human. We'd have a teenager. Do you realise that? A fucking teenager to hate us. How does that possibly appeal to you?" Alfie asked. Y/n was rather shocked at the outburst. Her eyes started to water

"Fine. I won't ask again" she walked away sadly, quickly wiping her tears. She left Arthur's house and went to pollys, bursting into tears once she got inside

"Y/n? You alright?" Michael asked

"Does it look like I'm alright? I'm sorry. I shouldn't take it out on you. Could i have a cup of tea please Michael?"

"Er ye of course. Mum is in the living room" y/n nods and thanks him, going to find polly

"Oh you poor girl. Whats happened?" Polly asked making her sit down

"A couple months ago me and Alfie got pissed drunk and we must've been so out of it that we forgot to use protection and now I'm pregnant and I asked Alfie for a baby and he doesn't want one and he told me loads of reasons as to why we should never have kids and then I realised he's right and we shouldn't have kids and this poor baby is gonna grow up as a mistake" she sobs into her as she takes it all in, utterly shocked as Michael hands y/n a cup of tea

"Thank you" she mumble

"OK. Well I think you need to tell Alfie. He might change his mind once he realises. Very few babies are planned y/n. Michael certainly wasnt"

"Ouch" Michael whispers

"But we love them anyway. The moment that child is in your arms, you'll wonder, why were you ever scared? Because it will all feel right" y/n stays hugging polly for a little while before Michael drives her to their home. Not London. They brought a house in birmingham

"You gonna be OK?" Michael asks

"I'll be fine. Thank you" she kisses his cheek and goes into the house

"Honey, is there something you need to tell me?" Alfie asks as they sit down for tea

"Yes. I don't want you to be angry. And I want you to know that I love you very much and I want us all to be ok. I'm pregnant Alfie. I shouldn't have got so upset but I just couldn't listen to everything you said. I'm sorry" Alfie walks around the table and crouches infront of her

"Don't be sorry. We didn't plan this and I'm not going to lie. I'm fucking terrified. But it's us. We always do things together and we do a pretty good job. We're in this together, I'm not leaving you. That baby will be the most loved child in all of England" Alfie promises as y/n laughs through the tears, kissing him softly on the lips

That night, Alfie lay with his hand on y/ns stomach

"I can't believe there's a baby in there" he mumbled in disbelief

"You don't believe me?" Y/n starts crying and Alfie hugs her quickly

"No no. Of course i believe you. I just means it's an incredible thing" she stops crying and starts smiling. Once y/n falls asleep, Alfie mumbles

"Fucking hormones" safe to say it was a long 9 months. But the moment that girl was placed in their arms, nothing else mattered

"She's so gorgeous. You did it. I'm so fucking proud of you" Alfie cries kissing y/n as she sobs, holding the child to her chest

"She's so perfect" she says in awe

That night, Alfie made sure to get up every time she cried. Y/n was way too sore and was on bed rest for a week or two after have quite a few stitches. Alfie brought the baby into bed so y/n could breast feed

"What should we call her?" Alfie asks

"Juliet" y/n whispers

"Juliet solomons. Fucking perfect" Alfie kisses y/ns temple and then puts the baby back in her cot. They cuddle up to one another in bed. It was a long night. Woken up at 2am, 4am, 5am and then Alfie got up at 7am to make breakfast. They were both exhausted but it was all worth it when they saw their babies little face. She was adorable, cutest baby alive. Maybe the parents were abit biased but I'm the author. I can say she actually was the cutest baby alive.


This was the last chapter. Thank you for reading. Love you lots and I hope you enjoyed. I'm currently writing shameless and game of thrones. Shameless is being posted but game of thrones is yet to be posted. Let me know if you're interested in these ideas xxx

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