John- Protector

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John was like a dog, growling and sneering at anyone who got to close. Standing by her side and walking with a confident stride, to scare those who even thought of crossing their path. Y/n of course loved the protection; to feel safe in a man's arms in an indescrible warmth that she had longed for since she was a little girl. But not everything is how you imagine it to be. At first, it was cute, adorable even. Then it got abit tiring, but still, she was glad he cared. Now, a month into their marriage, she felt like tearing her hair out whenever he stood guard over her

"Oh John for the love of God!" She huffed stopping in the street

"What?" He asked confused. "Are you hurt, did someone do something, did they give you a look? It's alright love" he said holding her hand, she began to laugh and was keeling over in giggles

"My dear, you know how much I love you. But this is ridiculous. I appreciate the care but you can't be watching over me 24/7. I love you to the moon and back, but if I don't get some time to myself once in a while, I may shoot myself" she said with a small smile

"You know I don't mean to annoy you. I just don't want you getting hurt" he said pulling her in closer by the waist. She wrapped her arms around his neck until their faces were inches away from eachother

"You don't annoy me John. I find it cute. And I love spending time with you. But you don't have to follow me everywhere shug. I'll be fine. No one would dare touch me anyway" she said kissing his lips softly

"Hmm alright. What's brought this up anyway?" He asked as they kept walking hand in hand

"I'm going out with Stella for her hen party. I know you'll send your men to watch me and look after me but I just want a night without having the peaky fucking blinders on my tail. Do you promise that I can go to the club and just enjoy my night without seeing random peaky men watching me?" John huffed and rolled his eyes

"John?" Y/n said more sternly

"Yes alright I promise. But the first sign of trouble and you go to the nearest safe place do you hear? Call me anytime and I'll pick you up" Y/n nodded happily as he agreed to her terms. Later that night, y/n was getting ready to go out. Just adding her jewelry to the look as she sat infront of the mirror

"Great thing about mirrors is I can see who's behind me" she said making her husband chuckle who was admiring her from the doorway

"OK. You caught me. But I can't help it if my wife looks so hot" John said walking over with just his trousers on, shirtless. He put his hands around her waist and kissed on her neck

"Ah ah ah. Nope. Johnny sweetheart, if we start this then I'll change my mind about going. And I promised Stella I'd be there" y/n told her husband, giving him a quick peck on the cheek before walking off

"Alright, got your knife?"





"Lord knows why but check"

"Spare knife?"


"Spare gun?"

"Check. Can I go now before I lose the will to live?" She asked laughing. John pulled her in for another kiss before she left the house and got in her friends car. The plan was that their friend Aimee would be the designated driver. She doesn't drink anyway after a bad past with alcohol so had no issue being the sober one. And of course, everyone else was going to get pissed

They got to the club and danced way into the morning. Drink after drink, the girls stumbled their way onto the dance floor. A few of the girls were fucking men on tables whilst others were too intoxicated to even realise. Y/n was dancing with some women they'd met that night. Everyone very drunk, y/n decided she had to go piss or vomit. She wasn't sure which one but she went to the toilets anyway. As she finished pissing, she stumbled out of the bathroom. Going to wash her hands, she jumped after looking into the mirror

"Aren't you a beauty?" A man slurred looking at her

"Leave me the fuck alone" she mumbled out although some of the words were inaudible

"And why should I?" He asked getting closer

"Because she's under the protection of the peaky fucking blinders" Arthur barged in and pinned the man against the wall. He always was like a big brother to y/n, being just as protective as John. Tommy, Arthur and John started beating the man to a pulp. His bruises formed quickly and blood dripped from his eyes

"Wait!" Y/n yelled. They all stopped. The man was whimpering in pain on the floor. She went closer to him and with her stilleto heel, stamped right on his cock

"Gentlemen, continue" she said before walking out the toilets and then out the club. John, Tommy and Arthur joined her soon after, Tommy offering her a fag which she gladly took

"I told you not to follow me" y/n said to them

"You're very welcome" Arthur said sarcastically

"Thank you. Look, I'm sorry for not appreciating the protection. It just makes me feel like a little kid sometimes. I suppose it's even worse when you prove me wrong. Makes me realise how horrid some men are" she said. John wrapped his arms around her and kissed her head

"Let's get you home" he said as the others nodded in agreement. They got in the car and by the time they were at John's house, y/n and Arthur were fast asleep leaning on one another. John shopl her lightly to wake her up and then lifted her from the car, thanking Tommy for the ride. He carried her inside and put her down in their bed. That's when she woke up

"Thank you baby" y/n muttered

"Don't worry about that now love. Let's get you changed" y/n stood up and got undressed then went to the bathroom and wiped her makeup off. As she walked back into the room, John was there laying naked on the bed

"John, seriously?" She laughed rubbing her tired eyes. He opened his arms for her smirking. With a small smile and roll of the eyes, she ran over to him and jumped into his arms, burying her face into his neck. His arms wrapped around her waist tightly

"John" she said

"Mhm" he replied clearly almost asleep

"I've changed my mind. Please don't ever stop protecting me" she could almost feel him smile from beneath her

"As if I would stop protecting you. You're the love of my life, and as long as my heart keeps beating, I will spend my time making you happy, healthy and safe" y/n smiled down at him and gave him a kiss before the pair fell asleep in eachothers arms

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