Arthur- Cigarettes and alcohol

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They were happy...Once. Arthur believes they are still happy, or atleast that's what he tells himself. Suppose it makes him feel better. But deep down, even he can see that his marriage is failing, and if he doesn't change his ways, then it will be his own fault when his wife leaves

"Arthur, go home" Tommy told him as him and John tried to pull Arthur up from our the pub booth. But to no avail as Arthur was too drunk to hold himself up

"I don't wanna go home Tom. I am quite happy here" Arthur slurred

"Don't be a dickhead arthur" John muttered

"You fucking what?" Arthur yelled holding John by the throat before Tommy pulled him off

"Y/n is waiting for you at home, she's a good woman. Cleans for you, cooks for you. Sorts you out when you're back in the trenches. You couldn't have got anyone better yet you treat her like fucking scum. She's not your maid Arthur, she's your wife. Go home, apologise to her, and show her that she means the world to you. Or you'll have only yourself to blame when she ups and leaves. Surprised she's lasted this far" Tommy ordered Arthur. Suddenly feeling guilty and regretful, Arthur gets himself up and tries his hardest to sober up. With the help of John and Tommy, he makes it home. John knocks on the door and y/n answers

"Ah, finally decided to come home?" She asks crossing her arms angrily

"Love, I'm sorry. I know I've been in the pub a few nights, but I do still love you. And I miss you" Arthur apologised

"John, Tommy, take him inside and put him on the sofa. I can deal with him after that" and so the men did just that until it was only y/n and Arthur in their house

"Drink this" she said handing him a cup of water. He refused at first but she forced the cup into his hands

"You're a good woman. And I'm a horrid man" Arthur cried out to her

"Don't be ridiculous. You, Arthur shelby, are a wonderful man. You give me a home, food, make money for us. As my boyfriend, you always made me feel like the only girl in the world. Unfortunate that you are a putrid husband. I cant stand the sight of you Arthur. You can sleep on the sofa. And if you dare wake the children up with your late night drinking, I will pack a bag and leave faster than you can down a bottle of Irish whiskey" she threatened. Arthur lay back on the sofa without protest as y/n went upstairs. She saw their son (4) sat at the top of the stairs

"Oh honey. Come on, let's get you to bed. It's very late my dear. Is Sophie still asleep?" Y/n asked holding her sons hand. That's when her daughter (7) walked out of her room, rubbing her eyes tiredly

"You and daddy were yelling" she groaned

"I'm sorry sweetheart. Go back to bed and I'll be there to tuck you in in just a moment" y/n took her son, Harry, to bed first. Gave him a kiss and then went to Sophie room. She looked upset but didn't want to speak about it so y/n decided it best to leave her. Late that night, as y/n was asleep in bed, she woke up to an arm being wrapped around her waist

"You reek of cigarettes and alcohol" she said without opening her eyes

"I'm sorry love. You and the kids mean the world to me, and I'm gonna start showing it. I promise" y/n didn't believe a word of it. Same speech every week. But she was too tired to argue and missed being in the arms of her husband. So she turned around and rested her head on his chest, allowing him to kiss her head a few times

The next day, y/n woke up to a cold and empty bed. Oh well, it lasted a few hours before he was back in the pub, drinking away his life issues, putting it all on y/n's shoulders. But as she walked downstairs, her mood shifted from disheartened to amazed. Arthur was stood in the kitchen, Harry on his hip as he fried some bacon

"Morning darling. Sophie is still in bed. Thought I'd let you both have a lie in" y/n could hardly speak as Arthur came and kissed her cheek


"Don't! I don't want your praise. I should be taking care of you and helping without wanting anything in return. You spend all day looking after the kids and don't get a break or any time to yourself. I'm gonna start being the husband you deserve; I know I've said it before. But I'll be damned if I go back to my old ways. The alcohol from the cellar has gone. I sold it, legally, and used the money to buy the kids some new shoes. But don't worry, your wine is still there. You certainly deserve it" she was gobsmacked

"Arthur, you sold all your alcohol? Does that mean you won't be drinking anymore?"

"Never again. I was with you for 10 years before we got married. 10 whole years I waited to call you Mrs shelby. I'm not letting my drinking problem ruin our marriage. So I'm gonna stop. It'll be hard, but I'll try my best" slowly, y/n walked over and kissed her husband on the lips much to his surprise

"I love you Arthur shelby. And I'll help you in any way i can. I'm really proud of you for stepping up, changing your ways. I'm sure the kids will be grateful to have you around more. I know I certainly am" Arthur kissed her again before Harry pulled them apart

"That's gross" he spat making the couple laugh. That's when Sophie walked in groggily

"Ugh- mama, I smell ba-" she stopped in her tracks. "Daddy? You''re here? Are you coming home now? For good? No more pubs or drugs?" She asked

"I'm home now sweetheart. I'm gonna change, you all mean so much to me and I can't lose you" Sophie didn't seem to convinced. She thanked her father for making them bacon but was cautious around him. Unlike Harry, she didn't get too attached incase he left. But after a couple of months, Sophie realised that Arthur was a new man and she grew to love him more than anything. For y/n, he was the same man he always has been. Deep down, he was always like this. They always talked of having children and she imagined it to be wonderful. Of course, it wasn't last few years. But now they were happy again. Safe, loved and together

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