🖤Finn- Circus Girl

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News spreads fast in small heath. And the circus coming was all anyone could talk about. All the way from Italy, a world famous show performed by only the best of the best. Jugglers, clowns, acrobats, lions, and anyone who has either talent or diversity!

"Can we go?" Finn asked as he ran into Tommy's office. Arthur and John were in there most likely arguing about who knows what

"What the fuck you on about?" Tommy asked. With a huff, finn grabbed the news paper on his desk and shoved the front page to Tommy's face

"Finn, you do realise that being 18 means we don't have to take you to see these things. You can just go" Tommy told him

"Oh come on Tommy. Let's all go. It'll be fun. When's the show?" Arthur asked

"Tomorrow evening" finn replied. And so it was settled. The shelby's were going to the circus. Polly, ada, esme and lizzie were going aswell. The kids all together with the nannie. Sure the circus is more for children. Yet they knew the night would be full of tantrums and dirty nappies so left the kids at home

The evening came, and the shelbys met at Tommy's House before leaving to go to the circus. Everyone's was looking forward to what they might see, yet Tommy seemed on edge. He was worried, them all being together out in public, laughing and vulnerable, anything could happen

The acts were fantastic. Clowns, jugglers, both impressive and hilarious. Even Tommy struggled to keep a straight face. But there was one act that had caught everyone's attention

"And now, for the star of our show, the diamond who outshines us all, Valentina!" The ring masters voice echoed throughout the land. The lights dimmed and everyone awaited for someone to come on stage. But no one was there. It was then that people began noticing the lowering hoop in which a woman, early 20s, was perched upon. Spinning slowly, she lowered down until she was halfway.

 Spinning slowly, she lowered down until she was halfway

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Finn stared with his mouth hung open, the woman's talent and beauty captivating him

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Finn stared with his mouth hung open, the woman's talent and beauty captivating him. She began to hang from the hoop by just one arm, before spinning as the crowd cheered and roared. She truly was the star of the show. Her performance continued in the second half as there were 2 very high bars across the tent. 2 men on either side. Valentina was thrown from bar to bar by these men as she did flips and somersaults in the air. No one could quite believe their eyes. Her performance ended by her jumping to the floor, bending back until she could hold her feet and rolling out of sight. The crowd went wild, applause could be hears for miles because of the beautiful valentina

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