Calamity Trio X Powerful Witch Reader (Part 2)

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A couple of days have past since the night of you feeling a bit odd that lead to coughing up blood and to this day you have not told anyone the real problem as the most you would say is just simply you were coughing alot which they thankfully believed as you didn't really understand what happened to you that night.

You have really started to taking a liking to your new life with the girls as marcy started introducing you to her favorite game vagaboundia chronicles and to her surprise you also started liking it as well, you and anne would usually take turns in making sure marcy would not hurt herself...........which sometimes ended up with either you getting hurt or anne getting hurt.

However sasha on the other hand was kinda starting to bother you as you can tell she was the whole "like being in charge" kinda girl which at first was no problem but the day after she found out that you could use strong magic, she kept asking about wanting you to teach her the many dangerous spells from the boiling isles just because they maybe cool to use..........which of course you said no to which caused a bit of an argument to happen between the two of you outside school.

(Sasha): Come on! at least teach us a small crazy spell.

(Y/n): Sasha I said no and that is final! I will gladly teach you, anne and marcy some lesser spells that don't do any harm but I am not teaching highly dangerous spells to a few 13 years olds who get into trouble all the time.

(Sasha): You are also a 13 year old last time I checked!

(Y/n): Yes and I am a 13 who knows better than to give dangerous things to trouble makers.

(Sasha): Tch......

(Y/n): Sasha.....I.........I just can't do it, you know what could of happened a couple of days ago if I really cut lose..........I could of hurt people.


(Y/n): I don't want people to get hurt because of my magic...........that is why I just can't teach you them, it is because I am protecting you, anne and marcy from getting hurt.

The two of you stand there in silence until you turn around and start walking away from sasha.

(Y/n): I will decided when the time is right.

Sasha is left standing there with a look of annoyance until she stomps off in the other direction in a huff to find marcy and anne.

(Sasha's mind): Stupid little brat.

You meanwhile just want to be alone for a bit as you just sit down on a nearby bench just in front of the school.

(Y/n):.......(sigh) I'm sorry sasha.....

You just sit there for quite a while as an older boy who looks to be in his teens comes walking over to you.

(Teenager): Hey you!

You barley even look at him as he gets close enough to grab the top of your head.

(Teenager): I have a question for you and you better answer.

You don't move your head but slowly look at him and you can tell he is quite serious.

(Y/n): What is it?

(Teenager): My auntie was the one person that was taken in that incident a couple of days ago and I have a feeling you are the cause of it.

(Y/n): I-I believe you have the wrong person.

(Teenager): DON'T YOU LIE TO ME!

He pushes your head down a bit as he tightens his grip on your head.

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