Raven Branwen, Summer Rose X Male Reader X Kali Belladonna and Willow Schnee

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(Lemon Warning)

It was a normal day at beacon as the students were sitting around during their break but while most of the students were having a good team, there was a team that had two members that were walking back and fourth in their dorm with their other two teammates simply sitting around in the dorm room.

(Qrow): You know he will be fine girl.

(Summer): What if he went into a mission that was far too much for him? what if he is really hurt!?

(Qrow): Will you stop panicking and the same goes for you sis.

Raven looks towards her brother with narrowed eyes.

(Raven): Shut it qrow before I knock some of your teeth out.

(Qrow): Alright jezz I am only saying we know how good he is so there is there no need to worry.

(Tai): Yeah the guy can take on hordes on grimm with no problem so I am sure he will be all good.

(Qrow): Anyway I am going to go out for a little walk so catch you all later.

(Summer): Try not to get drunk again.

(Qrow): No promises.

Qrow walks out of his dorm, heads out into vale were he simply walks through the streets just thinking of what to do until he hears people arguing just across the road but as he looks over to see what is going on his eyes widen as he sees a familiar face.

(????): Why are you even here you will probably give people fleas if you get too close to people.

(????): Mind your tongue you rat!

(????): Girls can you not argue in the middle of town.

(Qrow): Y/N! IS THAT YOU!?

(Y/n): Hm?

The person known as y/n looks to see qrow running up to him from across the street with a goofy smile on his face.

(Y/n): Qrow!

You and qrow run towards each other and bro hug as the two girls you are up have a look of confusion on their faces.

(Qrow): Jezz you know how to take your time with missions.

(Y/n): Sorry I did get into a bit of trouble a few times during the mission but everything went well in the end.

(Qrow): Ah I knew you had everything under control.

Just as qrow finishes he looks over at the two unknown girls that were following you.

(Qrow): So who are these two?

(Y/n): This is the faunas kali belladonna and known other than willow schnee.

(Kali): Greetings.

(Willow): Hi

(Qrow): Whoa you have some big names following you around I guess you have more than just good combat skill.

(Y/n): Ah shut it qrow but I have to ask is the rest of your team okay?

(Qrow): Yep everyone is okay although while me and tai were not worried about you at all since well your really good at what you do.....raven and summer on the other hand.....they were very worried and that's putting it lightly.

(Y/n): Dammit....

(Kali): Y/n who are raven and summer?

(Y/n): They are close friends of mine although abit too close.

(Willow): What!

(Y/n): The funny thing is raven at first did not think me as anything but a weakling until I beat her in a sword fight.

Female Characters X Male/Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now