Evil Demonic Saiyan Reader X Dragon Ball Ladies Part 18

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After your long sleep you finally get up and walk to your throne room however just before you were going to open the door to the throne room your hear loud knocks from your front door.

(Y/n): Hm? I wonder who could that be?

You walk over to the front door and slowly open it to see none other than mira is at the door which makes your eyes widen a bit.

(Y/n): Mira my friend what brings you here?

(Mira): My creator wants to show you an experiment she is working on.

(Y/n): I see well I may of just have gotten up but lead the way mira.

(Mira): Alright

Mira turns around and flies off with you following close behind him.

(Y/n): Say can I ask what even are you? are you like demon hybrid?

(Mira): I have the dna of many powerful races within me such as saiyan, namakain, demon and even human.

(Y/n): Human? that seems kinda pointless to have dna of them in you.

(Mira): True but I suppose there was a reason.

(Y/n): I guess.

(Mira): I would also like to thank you for saving me and my creator.

(Y/n): Awww your warming up to me.

(Mira): Don't let it get to your head too much.

(Y/n): Hahaha alright.

You fly for a while longer until you and mira return to the demon army's base and just as you land you see towa standing there with a smile on her face.

(Towa): Greetings lord y/n did you have a good rest?

(Y/n): Indeed I did towa but I would like to ask why did you want me here?

(Towa): I would like to show you a experiment I am working on and I believe you may find this interesting.

(Y/n): Oh? does it involve a woman? 

(Towa): Your quite smart.

(Y/n): Why thank you.

(Towa): Follow me. 

You follow mira and towa for a short while until you come across a creepy looking structure which looks like a screwed up castle.

(Y/n): What's this?

(Towa): This is where lord mechikabura lives and were our experiments happen.

(Y/n): I see.

You enter the creepy building and you enter an large open area of the building.

(Mechikabura): Welcome my friend.

(Y/n): ?

You look to see mechikabura sitting down on a throne-like chair at the top of the stairs with the other members of the dark demon army standing next to him.

(Y/n): Hello old man how goes your search for the dragon balls?

(Mechikabura): (sinster laugh) It won't be long now until we have all 7 but for now we should strengthen out forces because no doubt chrona and her friends are doing the same.

(Y/n): Do you want me to capture more people?

(Mechikabura): Yes I would like for you to continue doing that more but for now I want to test our newest member.

(Y/n): (thinks for a second) Oh I see I was mainly brought here to test out this new member.

(Towa): Indeed.

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