Hong Meiling X Male Human Reader

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You know at first you fought working in a large mansion that was owned by a small vampire that could kill you at any second if you did something stupid was quite a scary thing but after a while you started to warm up to everyone there and even fell in love with one of the people there. That person was the gatekeeper of the place known as meiling hong who was quite a sleepy head and got into alot of trouble from the head maid sakuya alot but that is what made her cute to you and of course she is quite the looker. The both of you quickly started to really like each other and it did not take long for you to confess your feelings to her and thankfully she accepted to be your girlfriend which you were very happy about and since then you have being having an amazing time with her.

It was a beautiful sunny day which remilia did not like very much while you in the meantime decided to go outside to pay meiling a visit at the gate and give a few sandwiches and just as you get near the gate you can hear snoring at the other side of the wall which makes you smirk and sure enough you go outside the gate and see meiling hong sleeping against the wall.

(Y/n): You are hopeless (smiles)

You slowly walk over to her and get really close to her right ear.

(Y/n): BOO!

Meiling suddenly jumps awake and looks over at you in shock however that quickly changes to an adorable pout as gently punches you in the stomach which knocks you back a tiny bit.

(Meiling): Can you not wake me up like that!

(Y/n): Sorry I could not help myself.

You hold out the little bag of sandwiches.

(Y/n): I made these for you.

(Meiling Hong): Aww thank you!

She quickly gives you a peck on the lips, takes the sandwiches from, sits down and opens the bag to start eating on the many sandwiches while you sit down next to her.

(Y/n): You know you really have to get some sleep before you go your work meiling.

(Meiling): I can't help it, after all I am standing here for hours so of course I will fall asleep.

(Y/n): True but atleast try to get sleep as in on your bed sleep and not here.

(Meiling): Well....I know one way that I can get some sleep...

(Y/n): Which is?

(Meiling): Can you sleep with me for longer today?

(Y/n): Sure I don't mind that and if you want we can sleep at an earlier time.

(Meiling): I will happily agree to that.

You relax next to meiling as she eats away at the sandwiches until there is noting left.

(Meiling): Thanks for that y/n, I feel alot less hungry now.

(Y/n): No problem.

Meiling suddenly rests her head onto your left shoulder which at first surprises you but you quickly smile, wrap your left arm around her and the two of you sit there for a good few minutes in silence until you speak up. 

(Y/n): Say I know this may sound abit sudden but how would you feel if I asked you to marry.

Within a second of you saying that meiling's eyes widen as she looks over at you in complete shock.

(Meiling): M-Marry me!

(Y/n): Yep!

Meiling's face goes completely red as she looks away from you and looks at the ground.

(Meiling): W-Well I would not be against it! b-but I think for now we should wait abit!

You smile as you slowly grab onto meiling's chin and make her face you.

(Y/n): I don't mind waiting at all.

Meiling smiles as she slowly gets closer to your face with you doing the same and as you get close enough the two of you connect with a passionate kiss. Meiling wraps her arms around you, brings you in closer and falls backwards onto the ground with the two of you still kissing.

However while the two of you were having a make-out session a certain maid just so happened to be walking up to the gate with a angry look on he face.

(Sakuya's mind): Meiling is most likely sleeping again, why did the mistress give the job of gatekeeper to a sleepy head.

Just as she gets close enough to the gate she suddenly hears strange noises coming from the other side of the gate.

(Sakuya): Hm?

Sakuya stops for a second and then starts to slowly approach the gate as the strange noises get louder and louder until she hears a moan which makes her stop again.

(Sakuya's mind): W-What is meiling doing!?

Sakuya stands there with wide eyes as she hears meiling moaning alittle loudly.

(Sakuya's mind): I should leave her alone.

Sakuya quickly turns around and head back to the mansion.

(Sakuya's mind): Doing that in front of the mansion? she better hope no one sees her.

Sakuya was about to open the door to the mansion until she stops again when she has another thought.

(Sakuya's mind): Wait didn't y/n say he was going to make meiling sandwiches today?

Sakuya looks back at the gate.

(Sakuya's mind): They couldn't be.....

A little thought comes to sakuya's head as she imagines both you and meiling doing alittle more than kissing until she quickly snaps herself out of it by shaking her head.

(Sakuya's mind): N-No no no no no! I need to stop thinking of those things and get back to work!

Sakuya quickly heads inside the mansion and starts walking alittle quick down the long hallways but with a small smile on her face.

(Sakuya): I wish you both well though, you love birds.

(A/n): Done and done this one was fun to do since it is about touhou and touhou is life. I shall now take a break tomorrow and like always shall work on another book after that but I shall return to this book some time in the future.  

Female Characters X Male/Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now