Yandere SCP-953 X Male D-Class Reader Part 1

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It wasn't meant to be like this but ever since your father passed away due to unknown reasons, you were brought into one of the scp fountain bases by some strange people in suits as a replacement for somebody and not long after being brought in you found your mother standing in the middle of a hallway talking to a few woman in white suits and the moment she turned and saw you, she exploded with rage as she tries to run up and take you off the guards but they quickly aim their weapons at her and threaten her which sadly makes her back down as she watches the guards take you away while you cry out for your mother's help.

They bring you to a place covered with cells with people in orange jumpsuits inside, open one of them and throws you inside.

(Guard 1): This is your new home now so get used to it.

(Y/n): B-But what about mom?

(Man in suit): You needn't worry about that for we have something coming up that we would like to put you in and to make you feel more comfortable, your mother will be in charge of it so be a good boy and sit there for now.

The guard closes and locks the cell door as they all walk back the way they came which leaves you scared and sneaking in the cell.

(A few hours later)

You didn't know what was going on at the time but you and 2 other D-Class members are sent to one of the chambers by orders from your mother with a fresh liver, lots of water and a blanket and futon which was odd but you had no choice but to follow 2 guardsmen to a pair of large doors.

(Guard 1): Alright you three, take these little communicators since you will really need them.

The moment he finishes the large doors open slowly and as you get a good look inside the chamber you notice what looks like a ball of fur in the corner of the room.

(D-Class 1): W-What is that?

(D-Class 2): I don't know........looks like......fur?

(D-Class 1): I don't like this.......

You slowly put on your communicators and stand just at the entrance for a while until......

(Guard 2): Just get inside.

The guards push all three of you into the chamber and are left standing there not far away from whatever is front of you as all three of you are too scared to even move.

(Y/n): W-What now?

(D-Class): Do we have to wait for something?

We cut over to see your mother looking at a large screen with extreme worry written all over her face while her coworkers are waiting in anticipation 

(Woman 1): Is she asleep?

(Woman 2): Looks like it.

(Mother): Damn those bastards! I want to throw them in with her myself!

(Woman 1): Why the hell would they bring a kid in this?

(Woman 2): Considering all the shit that is done here, a mere child is not something so surprising. 

Your mother gives her staff member a look as she turns on the mic that is connected to your communicators.

(Mother): Alright you three all you have to do clean is replace her futon and blanket while y/n passes her that plate of liver.

(D-Class 1): That's it? I guess this will be quite easy.

(Mother): Be warned as the reason I am talking to you like this is too not only wake her up but she has also not eaten in a while due to food shortage and since we don't have any dogs around the place right now.......we can't keep her at bay.

Female Characters X Male/Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now