Calamity Trio X Powerful Witch Reader (Part 5)

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It has been a little more than 5 months since you returned to the boiling for not only getting helped but to also start your training to control your palisman's immense power better and for only a few months you managed to be able to control a good amount of magic that the palisman gives you which is good progress but after hearing the news from hunter that anne and the others are under attack by an army of........frogs? You didn't take it seriously at first until you notice the worried look on hunter's face so you had to put your training to a halt and gear up to help your friends.

You have now fully geared up in your witch outfit with your own staff as hunter brings everyone back to the portal he made.

(Hunter): I just want to warn you that there is alot going on and it looks bad as in there are these weird flying.........ships and robots running around.

(King): That sounds interesting.

(Y/n): How is anne and the others?

(Hunter): I didn't see the one called marcy but anne and sasha are fighting those things.........they also have some weird new friends with them.

(Y/n): Any signs of that monster?

(Hunter): As of right now there have been no sight of him at all but something is telling me he will appear from hiding the moment you arrive.

(Y/n): Alright. 

(Eda): You want us to come along? or do you want to hog all the fun to yourself?

You smile a little as you turn to face everyone.

(Y/n): I don't mind if you come along.

Everyone summons their staffs.

(Amity): Well then let's go help your friends.

You nod, turn to face the portal and run in with luz and the others close behind and the moment you get to the other side, you quickly notice you are on the hill from before and you notice the large ship floating about the city.

(Y/n): What in the world?

(Gus): Not gonna lie that looks cool!

(Luz): Wait look!

You look to where luz is pointing as you see what appears to be some large robot fighting something is that moving around at great speed and the moment you stops you notice it to be none other than anne.

(Y/n): Anne!

(Luz): You go and give her a hand! we will help any other people from this things.

You quickly get onto your broom and zoom off towards anne and whoever the big robot looking thing is, as it punches anne onto the top of a building.

(????): Why fight it anne!? everything you know and love will eventually grumble anyway!

Anne looks up as this robot is about to land a strong punch down on her as a suddenly blast hits the robot from the side which launches him flying.

(????): AGH!

(Anne): Huh?

The robot hits the blast away as both the robot and anne all turn to face you floating in mid-air with a very angry look on your face.

(Anne): Y-Y/n?....

(Y/n): Listen robot, I don't know who or what you are but you are attacking a friend of mine.........and I really don't like that.

(????): Robot? I am king andrias! 

(Y/n): Sorry but you don't ring any bells.

You create a magic circle around, point at andrias and within a second a massive lighting bolts shoots out from the circle and goes right for andrias.

Female Characters X Male/Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now