Sendai Hakurei No Miko X Female Demon Reader (Part 1)

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Warning there is kinda dark content in this one so read at your own risk

Another day has begun in gensokyo with the humans getting on well in their villages and with the help of the legendary shrine maiden Sendai Hakurei the attacks on their villages have stopped and the humans in the villages live in peace........but it does not last long.


Hearing her cries for help the villagers turn to see a woman covered in blood and some cuts on her.

(Villager woman): What's wrong miss!?


(Villager man): What that's impossible! 


(Villager Guard): Alright i will get the shrine maiden you people get her wounds healed.

(Villager woman and man): Right!

While the 2 villagers get the woman help to treat her wounds the guards runs up to the shrine were sendai Hakurei is.

(Villagers): Hakurei!

As he gets to the top of the steps a tall woman with very long black hair covered in scars is standing there brushing the leaves from the front of the shrine.

(Sendai Hakurei): Hm? what's wrong?

(Villager Guard): A woman come running into the villager covered in wounds and she says a demon took her Daughter from her!

(Sendai Hakurei): What!

Hakurei ran down to the villager to find the woman who was attacked and thankfully when she got down the woman's wounds was being treated.

(Villager man): Hakurei

(Sendai Hakurei): Excuse me i need to see the person who just came in.

(Villager man): Okay

The villager takes Hakurei to the room were the woman was put in.

(Sendai Hakurei): Hello

(Wounded Woman): H-Hi there Hakurei.

(Sendai Hakurei): I heard that your daughter was taken.

(Wounded Woman): Y-Yes she was.

(Sendai Hakurei): Can you tell me where she was taken.

(Wounded Woman): Well we were walking back to this village after our little walk and just as we got onto the main path to the village just outside the forest some....thing with attacked us and just as i went to grab my daughter it grabbed her and gave me one last look and just then i knew that what took my baby was a demon.

(Sendai Hakurei): That close to the village.....(Hakurei starts thinking)

(Village man): I did notice a cave from my walks nearby but i didn't think there was a demon in there so maybe that is were it is living.

(Sendai Hakurei): Alright can you bring me to this place.

(Village man): Okay i will wait by the main gate. (runs out)

(Sendai Hakurei): Don't worry i will get your daughter back i promise that.

(Wounded Woman): Thank you.

Hakurei smiles and makes her way to the main gate of the village were the man is waiting for her.

(Village Man): You ready?

Female Characters X Male/Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now