Pervert Sorceress X Female Knight X Amazon

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You are a Knight that lives in the kingdom of hydeland with your brother john who is a knight too however he wears much larger armor than you and likes to use a sword and shield while you just have standard armor and a normal sword but even then you are still very skilled in using a sword so you are no laughing matter and after you have done a quest you and your brother simply relax at the dragon's haven inn which is a nice place to just sit back and drink but this time your brother decided that he wants to take a quest alone but he tells you he will be back soon so you did not mind him going so right now you are just wondering what to do.

(Y/n): (sigh)

You look around the inn while taking little sips of your drink for now there was no one in besides the owner so you started to get bored until you hear a door opening which makes you turn and to your surprise you see the 2 most popular women come walking into the bar.

(????): Ah~ noting better then having a nice meal before going out on a quest!

(????): Yeah I am starving.

The 2 women go to a table not far from yours and order some drinks and food while you sit there trying not to stare at them however every now and then you can't help yourself to sneak a little look at them

(Y/n's mind): They really are beautiful......

You look a little too long at them this time as the sorceress looks around and sees you which makes you quickly look away.

(Y/n's mind): Crap I think she noticed!

The sorceress smirks and she turns to her friend.

(????): (whispers) Hey isn't that john's sister?

(????): Yeah it seems he went out on a quest without her.

(????): I noticed her staring at us too (giggles) why don't we sit next to her.

(????): Alright but what about our order?

(????): hang on.

The sorceress gets up and goes over to the counter were she tells the owner about where to put the food to which the owner gives the okay.

(????): Alright let's go to our new seat~

(????): (sigh) Try not to embarrass her too much okay?

(????): No promises~

You sit there silently looking down until suddenly you hear footsteps which makes you look up and to your shock you see the one of the ladies you have staring at sitting on the other side of your table.

(Y/n): What!

(????): Hello there little one.

(Y/n): Wait why are you sitting here!

(????): Well you seem lonely so we wanted to sit next to you.

(Y/n): O-Oh....wait if your here then where is-

You turn to look for the sorceress however to your shock she is right in front your face.

(????): Hi there cutie~

(Y/n): AHHH!

You jump back going to the other side of the seat.

(????): (giggles) Sorry I had to do that.

The sorceress sits down next to you while you sit there in a panic.

(????): No need to be shy I won't bite......unless you want me to~ (licks her lips)

Your face goes red hearing her say that which makes you back off however since your table is by the wall you don't move back far.

(????): Oh your just so cute! my name is Serena the sorceress and this (points to the amazon) is Nora the amazon.

Female Characters X Male/Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now