Evil Demonic Saiyan X Dragon Ball Ladies Part 12

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It has been quite a while since towa left as you remain seated on your throne with android 18 still sitting on your lap.

(Android 18): They really know how to keep someone waiting.

(Y/n): Well they are usually busy dealing with the time patrollers.

(Android 18): Still that is no excuse.

(Y/n): Hahahaha.

You sit for a little bit longer until the doors to your throne open up and you see towa.

(Towa): Sorry it took a while.

(Y/n): Ah it's fine.

(Towa): We have a very interesting mission for you this time.

(Y/n): Oh what it is?

(Towa): I want you to help me and mira get a dark dragon ball that has fused with being known as baby.

(Y/n): Alright I hope this time I can finally get serious from fighting this baby person.

(Towa): Who knows however it would be best not to be overconfident just in case.

(Y/n): Ah don't worry about it.

You stand up with 18 getting off your lap.

(Y/n): 18 I want you to help train the other girls while I am gone.

(Android 18): As you wish my lord.

Android 18 runs out of the throne room and you simply walk up to towa.

(Y/n): I am all yours my lady.

Towa gives you a look with her eyebrow raised and a smirk on her face.

(Towa): (giggles) Make sure to do your best for me.

(Y/n): Oh I will.

Towa and you walk out of your castle and go to the time breakers base where you a portal that is opened and waiting with mira standing next to it.

(Mira): About time.

Both you and towa touch down.

(Towa): Now now mira no need to be rude.

(Mira): Hmph.

(Y/n): Alright let's get this done.

The 3 of you walk through the portal and on the other side you notice you are not on the usual earth.

(Y/n): Well this is new.

(Towa): This is planet tuffle well the new planet tuffle ruled by baby.

(Y/n): I like it.

(Great Ape Baby): RAAAAHHH!

A loud roar is heard making the 3 of you turn to see a large golden great ape with a dark dragon ball in it.

(Y/n): That is baby?

(Towa): Yes.

(Y/n): So he is a saiyan?

(Towa): Well no, baby has taken over the body of this timelines's vegeta and with the help of bulma who is under baby's control she used a blutz waves machine on baby which turned him into a great ape.

(Y/n): I see.

(Mira): It would seem goku is nowhere to be seen so either he is out cold or he is killed.

(Y/n): Pathetic.

You power up and fly towards baby.

(Great Ape Baby): GRRAHHHHHHHHH!

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