Witches X Male Reader (2020 Halloween Special)

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You are a lonely boy who's life was not a very wonderful one as when your mother passed away due to giving birth to you using the last of her strength, your father blamed you for her death and on many accounts took out his anger on you with harsh beatings. It all started when you were around 10 years old and since then the beatings have never stopped even when your 18 years old. Tonight was just the same as always as you sit in your room hearing your father using the money he got from work to buy alcohol and pick up women from the streets. 

(Y/n):.......(looks at window)......I can't take this anymore.....

You get up from your bed and head towards the door of your room.

(Y/n): My life has been noting but a living hell......I just can't leave here anymore......

You very gently open the door to your room so that your father can't hear you and you close it very gently. You tip-toe through house as the not so distant cries of pleasure come from your father's room.


You make your way through the living room and get to the main door of the house.


You slowly open the door, head outside into the night while making sure to close the door behind you and head out into a forest to accept whatever grim fate awaits you. You walked around in the forest for what feels like an entire hour as the cold embraces you making you shake. 

(Y/n): At least it is better than getting beaten.....

You walked for a little bit more until you suddenly hear distance howling which makes you stop and look around.

(Y/n): Wolves?

You stand there for a little bit until you start to see something coming through the fog in front of you.

(Y/n): H-Hello?

The something that was coming through the fog turned out to be 3 very large wolves that fur that was as black as the night sky and eyes as red as blood but what happened next shocked you.

(Wolf 1): What are you doing here human child?

Your eyes widen as you hear the wolf talking but even while you start shaking abit more due to fear you managed to get words out.

(Y/n): I-I walked here after I left my home........

(Wolf 2): You left your home?

(Wolf 3): Hm?

The third wolf notices some purple spots on your arms and face which confuses him abit.

(Wolf 3): What are those purple marks on your body?

(Y/n): Those are bruises I got from my father....

(Wolf 2): Your father attacks you?

(Y/n): Yes.....

The three wolves look at each other for a couple of seconds you speak up.

(Y/n): If you want you can eat me for I have noting left to live for....

The largest wolf starts to walk over to you making you brace for a painful death until he suddenly stops in front of you.

(Wolf 1): We have no desire to eat you but I do have an offer in mind.

(Y/n): Huh?

(Wolf 2): Wait what are you-

(Wolf 1): We will lead you our masters and that is were your fate is decided.

Female Characters X Male/Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now