Yandere Hagoromo Gitsune X Neko Male Reader

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You are a neko who is apart of the powerful hagoromo gitsune's army of yokai however you did not join of your own choice it was because of gitsune herself that you got pulled into her army since she took quite the liking to you almost an unhealthy liking to you but you did not know of this you just thought she need more minions for her army so she just threw you in.

You are walking around looking for something to do while you wait for gitsune to give the word for a mission so in the meantime you are just sitting there looking around until of of gitsune's minions approached you.

(Winged Yokai): Y/n lady hagoromo wants to see you right now.

(Y/n): A-Alright.

 You shakily follow the winged yokai to were gitsune was and after a little while he stops and pokes into a dark looking area.

(Winged Yokai): She is in there and don't try anything rat.

(Y/n): Y-Yes sir!

You go into the dark area and you see that it looks like a cave with a little walk way down into a area with water so you slowly but surely walk down to the end of the walk way.

(Y/n): Um lady hagoromo are you there!

(Gitsune): I am over here y/n.

(Y/n): ?

You look around abit and you see gitsune standing in the water naked which makes you blush and nervous.

You look around abit and you see gitsune standing in the water naked which makes you blush and nervous

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(Y/n): W-What i-is it you need my lady!

Gitsune giggles at your shyness.

(Gitsune): I want you to wash my back.

(Y/n): W-Wha! but my lady could you not just use your tails!?

(Gitsune): I could but not this time so if you please (Glares) wash.my.back....

You start alot hearing her with that tone but you did not want to keep her waiting so you slowly go into the lake with it reaching your knees as you make your way to gitsune.

(Gitsune): Make sure you do it slowly.

(Y/n): O-Okay...

Gitsune turns around and moves her hair and tails out of the way fully exposing her back to you which makes you blush alittle of how slim it looks but you kinda get it together and grab a nearby sponge. 

(Y/n): H-Here I go....

You start to slowly wash her back making sure you don't do anything stupid like go too low or you might get a tail across the face however while you were concentrated on her back you did not notice she was looking back at you with a sinister smile.

(Gitsune's mind): He is such a adorable little thing I could take him right here and now but first I best make sure he stays mine I don't want other women making a move on him.

Female Characters X Male/Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now