Daidouji X Male Saiyan Samurai Part 2 (Finale)

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2 hours have past since you and daidouji fought.

While daidouji was waiting for you to wake up she decided to go and get a drink from the nearby river.

(Daidouji): This should do the trick (she sits down putting her hands in the river and putting them out again taking a drink) ahhhh much better....huh? (suddenly bushes start to move near her) who is there? (she takes a stance)

As she faces to were she heard the noises from someone leaps out from the bushes behind her attacking her with a sword.

(Daidouji): Got you! (she turns around punching the person away from her) 

(Assassin): AGH!

(Daidouji): An Assassin? well that is interesting.

As she walks over to the downed assassin a bunch more come out from behind the downed one and attacking daidouji however she easily dodges and blocks their attacks.

(Male assassin): Your wide open! (he goes to stab her back)

(Daidouji): Oh really?

Daidouji spins around and kicks the assassin pretty much breaking him in 2.

(Daidouji) Come on you weaklings i will crush you al-

Suddenly a bullet hits her side.

(Daidouji): AGH!

She falls to her knees holding her side were the bullet hit her.

(????): Well that was simple for all that talk about you being one of the strongest shinobi all it takes is one bullet and your down on your knees hahahahaha.

(Daidouji): Who the hell are you!

(Shinji): My name is shinji my dear and i am here to kill you.

(Daidouji): I would like to see you try.

(Shinji): Oh i will try (he points his gun)

(Daidouji) Dammit! (she closes her eyes)

Shinji fires his gun but just before the bullet got to daidouji a sword land in front of daidouji cutting the bullet in half making it go past daidouji.

(Shinji): What!

(Daidouji): huh? (she opens her eyes to see a sword in front of her) that sword wait it can't be.

(Y/n): Yo Daidouji seems your in trouble.

Daidouji looks behind her to see you walking up to her.

(Daidouji): Y/N!

(shinji): Who the hell are you!

(Y/n): My name will not be given to a monster like you (you grab your sword) because you will be died soon anyway.

(Shinji): HAHAHA funny you won't be so cocky with a bullet in your hea-

Just as he is talking you appear infront of him with a furious look on your face and you slice his head off shocking the assassins and daidouji.

(Y/n): Well......who is next....(you death stare the group of assassin and in the end they run away)

You look out a sigh as you turn around to face daidouji.

(Y/n): You okay? (you crouch down next to her)

(Daidouji): Yes although i did get a bullet to my side.

(Y/n): Let me see.

(Daidouji): Alright (she uncovers her wound)

(Y/n):  Looks pretty bad i will have to take out the bullet okay.

(Daidouji): Alright just......be gentle.

(Y/n): I will don't worry 

You very slowly use your hand to grab the bullet in daidouji's side and slowly take it out.

(Y/n): There (you breath out)

(Daidouji): Thank you y/n.

(Y/n): No problem it is best you get that wound treated just in case.

(Daidouji): Alright but...........will you come with me?

(Y/n): Sure.

The 2 of you journeyed back to hanzo academy were daidouji got her wound treated and while that was happening your were sitting down on a bench just waiting for her.

(Y/n): Hmmmm this is not a bad place although i don't like that old dude he seems like a creep.

Just as you were looking around daidouji came out.

(Y/n): Well that was fast...wait are you okay (you noticed hat daidouji's face is pure red)

(Daidouji): Y-Y/N!

(Y/n): Y-Yes!

Daidouji slowly stomps over to you making you slowly back away.

(Y/n): W-What is the m-matter?

Daidouji stops right in front of you.

(Daidouji): I-I w-want t-to confess something.

(Y/n): Huh? what do you want to confess?


(Y/n): D-Don't worry i won't

(Daidouji): You see ever since you saved me I......I started to have feelings for you.

(Y/n): R-Really?

Daidouji nods while still standing there clutching her fists.

(Y/n): hehe you know the same goes for me i also started to really like you after our fight.

(Daidouji): Why?

(Y/n): I like strong women you see that is what i am into and you fit that.

Daidouji stand there blushing like crazy.

(Daidouji): Thank you for accepting me.

(Y/n): Hey how can i not hahaha.

(Daidouji): Now for the main thing to do.

(Y/n): Hmm?

Daidouji grabs your shirt pulling you in for a kiss and at first you were shocked but you melted into the kiss and the 2 of you make out for a good minute.

You both separate due to lack of air.

(Y/n): Your a good kisser daidouji.

(Daidouji): You too (she smiles)

(Y/n): So what now?

(Daidouji): Easy we tell the others and then move on from there.

(Y/n): Fair enough.

You both take each others hand and walk into the school telling the other students about you two being a thing which shocked the others but they where happy for you both and as the years went by you and daidouji got married and had a child who was a powerful half saiyan-half human hybrid.

(A/n): Well this story is done now and i enjoyed doing it and next i will be doing some parts for the saiyan story (not the one here the unrivaled fury one) since i had not touched that for a while and after that i will do some chapters on the rwby story so look forward for that.

Female Characters X Male/Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now