Daidouji X Male Saiyan Samurai Reader Part 1

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You are a Saiyan warrior that has crashed landed on earth during a time with shinobi and samurais were running around and you happened to crash land near a clan of samurai and were kinda freaked out by you at first but in the end the clan leaders brought you in and raised you hoping to train you under the samurai way but you didn't really take much care in doing what they do but you did enjoy using a sword, punching things and shooting ki blasts out of your hands.

27 years later you left your clan in hopes to find an opponent you can really test your skills with and so happens you learned of the legendary shinobi daidouji a person who has famous for her furious power and a senior at hanzo academy.

At hanzo academy

(Kiriya): Daidouji have you heard of a rumor going around that a man with a tail has appeared in the forests near here and is searching for a worthy opponent?

(Daidouji): Man with a tail? Are you serious?

(Kiriya): Yes well that is what the locals say anyway.

(Daidouji): Interesting where was he last seen in the forests.

(Kiriya): Near a cave next to a large lake with a small waterfall he is probably camping there for now.

(Daidouji): Well i will be off see you later sensei.

She takes her leave.

With you

(Y/n): Good thing there is alot of fish and meat around this part of the forest (takes a bite of meat) i hope i run into dadiouji here.

A few hours have past and while you are about to move on you hear bushes moving around.

(y/n): Hmm? (you look around) Hello anyone there?

(Daidouji): About time i found you.

You turn around to see a tall muscular women with long black hair standing there staring right at you.

(y/n): I take it your daidouji?

(Daidouji): Indeed i am (she sees your sword) A swordsman huh?

(y/n): Yep well kinda i was trained by a clan of samurai but i do know how to fight with my fists if the need arises.

(Daidouji): I see and i heard you are searching for wroth opponents.

(y/n): Your right but i was mainly searching for you daidouji.

(Daidouji): Why is that? 

(Y/n): Well from what i heard you have quite a reputation for yourself being the legendary senior of hanzo academy and someone with quite a lot of strength.

(Daidouji): You have done your homework so then shall we? (she takes a stance)

(Y/n): Of course (you take your stance)

A good few seconds a silence goes on and as soon as a fish jumps and lands back into the water you attack with a swing of your sword sending out a waves of ki however daidouji dodges it with her speed and she dashes forward punching you in the stomach making you cough out blood and sending you flying into a few trees.

(Daidouji): Too slow

Just as she finishes you appear in front of her and take a swing at her cutting her stomach slighting.

(Daidouji): Agh! (she grabs your arm and headbutts you over and over again)

(Y/n): ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow (you use the back end of your sword to smack her chin stopping her from headbutting you) That hurts you know! (you punch her face across the face knocking her back) Okay here we go (you power up)

(Daidouji) What!

(y/n): Ultimate move: Mountain Slasher! (You charge your sword with your ki and you send out of large line of ki)

(Daidouji): Crap! (she take a guard stance but as it hits her it cuts her badly and it passes her cutting down a huge amount of trees and cuts the top part of a mountain far behind her)

Daidouji almost falls over but she stops herself.

(Y/n): Not bad i'm impressed you survived that.

(Daidouji): You think that will stop me THINK AGAIN! (she charges her hand up and dashes towards you with all her speed and appears right in front of you in an instant)

(Y/n): Wha!

(Daidouji): Heaven and Earth Flash War Wild Tiger Fist! (she punches you with all her might straight in he chest)

(Y/n): AGH! (you cough out lots of blood and you go flying back far hitting into a small waterfall destroying it completely)

 (Daidouji): "Panting" I....did it.

Before she could celebrate her victory you walk out of what remains of the waterfall with a wound on your chest.

(Daidouji): So your still up huh?

(Y/n): That was a good attack you really wounded me haha.

(Daidouji): I can still go so you better be ready to lose.

(Y/n): No you will lose (you throw your sword away and dash towards her punching her in the stomach).

(Daidouji): Agh! (she takes the pain to punch you square in the face)

(Y/n): Tch (you headbutt her knocking her back abit)

(Daidouji): Let's end this! (she takes a stance)

(Y/n): So be it! (you put all your ki into your fists)

(daidouji): Heaven and Earth Thunder God Dragon Ball Fist! (she start to punch rapidly) 

(Y/n): Eat this! (You start to punch rapidly)

Your fists clash over and over again making small shockwaves as they hit and sometimes yours fists hit daidoji and hers hit you but in time you start to tire out.

(Y/n): Dammit! 

(Daidouji): Got you! (she rapidly punches you over and over again and she ends off by slamming you into the ground and a powerful punch making a crater in the ground and knocking you out)

(Daidouji): You were an amazing opponent but i win (she takes one long look at your unconscious body making her blush alittle) It would be a waste to leave you here though (she picks you up and takes you into the cave you rested in and puts you down) I will wait here until you wake up.

Daidouji sits down next to you and after a while she falls asleep.

(A/n): I hope you liked this story so far i will say it will have a part 2 and if your wondering the fifth chapter of the rwby story will be out soon too  but i will say there will be a large timeskip in it so sorry about it.

Female Characters X Male/Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now