Chapter 2 - Elysian♡

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Y/n walked to the room where the medical students were. She opened the door and walked inside to see soobin sitting on a chair and sipping a cup of coffee.

" You should run to see the professor y/n. If not he will ask you to stay for night duty for a week as a punishment for getting late . " soobin said and chuckled.

" It seems like he has another job for you. He will never stop assigning you work. I am telling you y/n, he knows how to get his work done somehow " he said and y/n sighed and kept her bag on her desk.

" He is going to be the death of me binnie. I will see you soon " saying that y/n started to walk towards their professor's office with her stethoscope and the notebook.

She didn't forget to greet all the nurses, the hospital staff and even the patients whom she met when she was on her way to the office and treat them with a warm smile.

Finally she reached professor Hwang Minhyun's office and she stopped in front of the door to prepare herself before going inside. Then y/n took a deep breath and knocked on the door.

" Come in " she heard the professor's voice so she opened the door and walked into the office forcing a smile on to her face.

" Oh y/n. I wonder what took you so long to come to see me ? " Professor Minhyun said wrinkling his forehead.

" My apologies professor. I was stuck in the traffic. " Y/n said and the professor nodded.

" I see. I asked you to meet me because I have a task for you. I chose you for this because I know that you do everything perfectly. "

" That's because I don't want to fail the semester exam " y/n wanted to say but she just nodded with a smile.

" What is it professor? " Y/n asked and professor Minhyun smiled. The younger didn't like that smile at all.

" You know the Kim family right. I guess you do ? " Professor asked and y/n nodded, because obviously the whole country knows them. They were the wealthiest people in south Korea.

" Yes sir. I do " y/n replied, curious to know where this is leading to.

" You must already know that their younger son, Mr. Kim Taehyung is getting treated in this hospital since he is in a coma for almost 3 years now " professor said and y/n s eyes widened hearing what he said.

" Sir you mean THE Kim Taehyung is here? In this hospital? " Y/n asked, not believing what she just heard. Kim Taehyung was one of her favorite models and actors. She really liked him and hearing that taehyung was here in the hospital where she works was like a dream coming true for y/n.

" Yes y/n. THE Kim Taehyung is here. And I want you to assist his doctor in his treatments. I want you to oversee Mr. Kim's treatments when his doctor isn't there . So literally you will be his doctor. He doesn't need many treatments anyways" professor Minhyun said and y/n was left speechless.
First she was told that her favorite model is here and now she has been asked to over see his treatments. Well we can't blame her can we?

" Can you do that y/n. If you can't I can ask soobin. " the professor said again but y/n replied to him quickly.

" No no professor. I would like to oversee Mr. Kim's treatments. I will do that sir " she said and professor Minhyun smiled.

" Well that's very good to hear. I will inform Dr. Song that you will be assisting him from tomorrow. " He said and y/n nodded at her professor with a smile.

" Okay sir. Thank you so much " she said with a beautiful smile . " I think you have rounds now. You can go " professional Minhyun said and y/n bowed him before leaving his office.

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