Chapter 6 - Acatalepsy♡

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Two days passed from the day that Mr. Min told y/n about the marriage and ever since then y/n didn't talk to her father because she couldn't bring herself to do so.

Yoongi and hobi were trying their best to alter their father's decision but failed miserably everytime.

It was a gloomy day and the sky was covered with dark clouds indicating that it will rain anytime soon. Y/n came back home from the hospital after her clinicals and parked the car in the parking lot and got down from the car wanting to rush to the bathroom to have a warm refreshing bath. Because it was such a tiring day for her since she had to assist Dr. Song in a 4 hour long surgery.

But as soon as she entered the house, she noticed her father in the living room chatting with a man and a woman. y/n observed another figure sitting next to the unidentified elderly couple and she quickly identified who it was because he had a face that anyone can't forget after seeing once . It was Taehyung' s brother Kim Seokjin and then only realization hit y/n, that her father was talking to no one other than the Kim family whom she is soon going to be a part of.

Everyone turned to look at the younger as soon as she entered the house and she saw how her father fake smiled at her widely. Y/n wanted to run to her room but she forced a smile on her face because she didn't want to ruin her reputation. She didn't care about it actually but she saw her helpless mother sitting next to her father so y/n had to act good. If not she knew that her mother will be the one who will get hurt by her father after these people leave.

" Oh y/n. Your timing is good. Come and talk to your soon to be in-laws " Jungwon said looking at his daughter. Y/n wished she could be brave enough to walk away but her legs did something else. She walked to the guests and bowed her head smiling only showing her teeth. Her eyes said otherwise.

"Such a beautiful young lady you are " Mrs. Kim told y/n and Mr. Kim agreed with her.
"I am happy that my son is getting married to this beauty even for a single year. What a shame that he can't see or feel his wife " Mr. Kim said the last sentence trying to sound sad but it was obvious that he was not sincere to his words at all.

" We have fixed the date for marriage y/n. Day after tomorrow. We will just have a court wedding without any celebrations because of course your husband to be is not conscious. Even the court wedding will be held at your new home with two witnesses and one lawyer. That's good right? " Jungwon said looking at his daughter but y/n s eyes widened hearing what her father said.

" But appa. Day after tomorrow? Isn't it too soon? I am~ I am not ready yet. " Y/n said stuttering on her words with utter shock but she heard Mr. Kim laugh.

" Get ready for what y/n-ssi? It's not like you have to get ready for a honeymoon or something like that. You can live your life as you want to at your new home. You just have to take care of taehyung , obviously and that's all. You will only be bound to him by a piece of paper. If you want, you can even date someone " y/n felt anger rush into her as she heard what Mr. Kim said. "How can a father do this to his child. How can MY father do this to me " It was the first thought that came to her head and the younger saw how Seokjin helplessly was looking at her with an apologetic expression.

Y/n looked around to see whether her brothers are around but apparently they weren't back from work yet. She wanted to be with them because y/n knew that yoongi and hobi will always stand up for her no matter what. " Why is my life doing this to me? Did I commit a unforgivable sin in my last birth?" Y/n thought as tears welled into her eyes.


The younger who was drowned in a sea of thoughts came back to her senses hearing her father's voice and she looked at him.

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