Chapter 19 - Luftmensch♡

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A week passed and taehyung and y/n were being civil without bickering and fighting with each other. The couple had breakfast and dinner together when they were at home and taehyung started eating the food that y/n cooked. They still didn't talk much but they were happy and the little interactions were enough for both.Y/n always told Taehyung to take care and not to miss lunch whenever Taehyung went for work and she waited everyday until Taehyung returns home to have dinner together. These were simple gestures but Taehyung really liked these even though he didn't express his thoughts to the girl. He was an introvert after all.

After the incident that Y/n faced with the obsessed fans of Taehyung, he hired personal bodyguards for Y/n to accompany her whenever she goes to work and out. When Y/n went to work, the guards drove her and when she gets off work they came to pick her up. Since people knew Y/n as the wife of Taehyung, she agreed to have bodyguards for her safety and mostly because Taehyung insisted her.

It was a warm day and Taehyung already left for shooting early in the morning. Even though Y/n made pancakes for breakfast Taehyung couldn't eat because Namjoon was already there to pick him up. So Y/n packed Taehyung's breakfast and gave it to him to eat when he is on the way to the shooting location. She watched until Taehyung is out of her sight before going into the house closing the door behind her.

Y/n walked into her room to get ready for work. She got ready within 15 minutes and came downstairs and called her head bodyguard Mr. Jackson Wang. "I am ready to go to work Mr. Wang. Will you be coming to pick me up ?" Y/n asked from the guard and disconncted the call once he replied with a "Yes ma'am"


Taehyung took out the breakfast which was packed for him by Y/n and Namjoon looked at the younger with widened eyes.

"Don't tell me that Mrs. Kim made and packed those pancakes for you ?" Namjoon asked and Taehyung rolled his eyes at the elder.

"No hyung. I made them myself and I packed them to eat when we are on the way " Taehyung said in a sarcastic tone.

"Wow she is a such a good person isn't she? I mean she is acting like your real wife" Namjoon said with a smile and Taehyung also smiled looking at the packed breakfast.

"Hyung seriously. I never expected her to treat me like thsi when all I did was shouting at her as soon as I woke up from the coma. " The model said in a serious voice.

"I mean hyung, I literally was a dick towards her in the beginning. I still am. Yes, I talk with her a word or two and eat together with her every morning and night. But I really hope that we can be friends at least. Because it truly feels good to see someone truly caring for me" Taehyung said sincerely and Namjoon smiled warmly at him ruffling his hair.

"Well as I see, Mrs. Kim already cares a lot about you and to be honest I am offended Kim Taehyung. I do truly care about you too " Namjoon said faking an annoyed voice.

" Oh sorry hyung " Taehyung said smiling at Namjoon sheepishly.

"Look Taehyungie. For this once listen to your heart and act accordingly. Don't always try to control your feelings and emotions. It does no harm to express yourself to people who care about you " Namjoon said looking at Taehyung's eyes. "Now open that box and let us eat that shall we? It smells so good and pancakes with strawberry syrup are my favourite" The elder said laughing at Taehyung who opened the box finally to get his breakfast with Namjoon.


"Oh my god Binnie. You know what ?..." Y/n started to talk with soobin as soon as she came to the staff room in the morning.

Soobin listened to y/n the entire time with a smile on his face. He really liked how the youger was talking non-stop when she was feeling relaxed and comfortable.

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