Chapter 52 - Cynefin ♡

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Taehyung came back home from work and he was feeling restless until y/n come home because all he wanted at that moment was to talk about these ongoing situations and solve it out soon. He was walking back and forth wishing that the time would pass and his wife would come back home soon. And it was 4 30 in the evening when he heard the front door open and y/n walked into the house looking an absolute mess.

"Heyy" she said with a smile looking at Taehyung with her very warm and beautiful eyes.

"Heyy. You look.."

"Tired? A mess? Yes I know righttt!!" Y/n said with a frown completing what taehyung was gonna say. " I am so so so tired Tae. I hate my professor. I mean I absolutely hate him so much" the girl said walking to the couch and sitting on it letting out a big sigh.

"Why?? What happened baby?" Taehyung asked with a genuine concern and sat infront of y/n in the couch. The younger was perplexed to see taehyung sitting away from her because she knew how much he loved to sit next to her and cuddle her all the time. So she raised a brow and decided to ask about it from him.

"By the way Kim Taehyung-ssi, is something wrong? What's the point of acting like this?" Y/n asked and Taehyung looked at her with a questioning look.

" Well I mean what I asked you. You scribbled down a note yesterday in a way that you talk to a complete stranger, you went out and got drunk until you completely pass out, you didn't even take 10 seconds to call me throughout the day and today, you didn't call me and you didn't use ANY pet names or cute words when you talk to me AND!!! AND look at you now! Sitting far away from me in the couch when you and I both know how much you love to sit closer to me. Whats the meaning of all these Tae? Did I do something wrong?" y/n asked trying to suppress a sob but she failed miserably and broke down into sobs.

However much taehyung was trying to hold himself back , he couldn't watch y/n cry like this so he quickly walked to her and engulfed her in his embrace trying to calm her down.

"Don't cry my beautiful. Please don't cry. " He whispered sweet nothings to her ear while rubbing her back, trying to stop her from crying.

"Stop babying me and tell me Tae. What's it. Why did you acted like this?" Y/n pulled away from Taehyung's hug and asked him again looking at him directly in his eyes.

Taehyung took a deep breath before taking out his phone from his pocket and handed it over to y/n and looked at her. " Go to my messages and read the top most chat baby. The one which was sent by a number which is not on my contact list " he said and watched as y/n took his phone and started to read the messages which were sent by the said unknown number. Since taehyung wanted to talk about this with y/n , he consulted an IT professional and recovered the deleted messages he received from that number earlier. So y/n was reading the messages from top to bottom and Taehyung was looking at her wanting to know her part of the story about this.

Once y/n was done reading the messages and looking at the photos, she kept the phone on the coffee table and looked at taehyung who was waiting for her response.

"You doubted my love for you just because some jobless dude sent you these messages saying that I am in love with someone else?" She asked, her voice was laced with anger and disappointment.

Taehyung looked at y/n instantly feeling how hurt and disappointed she was on him but he was a victim as well. He didn't know what to believe when he was obviously being gradually manipulated by someone else.

"Look at me Kim Taehyung-ssi. Have you ever, ever seen yourself through my eyes?" She asked trying to stop the tears that were continuously leaving her eyes.

" I m sorry baby. I don't know why, I felt so hurt after seeing those photos. You know that I trust you so much but after getting those messages almost every day and when I saw those photos, my heart felt like some one has stabbed me over and over again. I didn't want to believe it but I was restless until I hear it from yourself. That you love only me and that you are all mine." taehyung said in a shaky voice and it was pretty obvious that he was crying too.

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