Chapter 44 - Quaintrelle ♡

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Back in Seoul , South Korea

" I wonder what our little girl is doing right now" Hobi said while taking a bite of chicken into his mouth. Mr and Mrs. Min, yoongi and hobi were sitting in the dining table while taking their dinner together.

"What else, she must be with our Taehyungie. Ughh I miss travelling " yoongi said looking at his brother. " I am really glad that she is happy with him. Right eomma? She has fallen for him head over heels. " The eldest son added and Mrs. Min smiled at him with a nod.

"Yes you are right yoongs. Do you know yoongis appa? Your daughter is living her best life with Tae. He treats her really well and makes her happy. "

When these words came out of his wife's mouth, Mr. Min looked at her with surprised eyes.

"Are you really serious yoongi's eomma? Do you really mean it? Is my girl happy?" He asked and Mrs. Min nodded and started to speak.

"Yes she is. I was really regretting that I couldn't stop that forced marriage. I thought she won't be happy but I am really glad that I was wrong. Taehyungie is such a gentleman. He loves our daughter so much and protects her with his everything. Now I don't even have the slightest regret that y/n was married to taehyungie. No wonder that my girl is so much in love with her man " Mrs min said and blinked away a happy tear.

" It's a relief. I am glad that she is happy " Mr. Min said out of nowhere surprising others as well.

Mr. Min was truly a man who loved money and his business. He prioritized those two things from the beginning and therefore he had to spend less time with his family. But although he truly loved his three children and wife, he did not understand how to make them feel that love. He thought that it was enough to earn a lot of money to keep his family happy and that was was he was doing for the past years. The only intension that Mr. Min had in his mind in forcing y/n to marry taehyung was to expand and develop his business so that he could earn more for his family. He considered that marriage to be a one year long contract and even though he knew that y/n wouldn't agree to marry suddenly like this, he made her do what he wanted thinking that he will be able to give her a better life after the contract period.

But it was a secret that no one knew, that he was worried about his only daughter a lot. That he was thinking and regretting about marrying her off like that. But now hearing from his wife and sons that y/n was happy with her marriage made Mr. Min so happy that he was unable to hide it from others. And since the others saw the elder min smile very rarely, seeing him like this made them very shocked and surprised.

" Appa? Are you perhaps smiling?" Yoongi asked his father raising his eye brows and widening his eyes in surprise.

" I didn't smile. But I am glad that she is happy " Mr. Min replied with a very slight smile, stood up from the dining table and walked to his room.

Hobi burst out laughing as soon as he saw his father's reaction and yoongi couldn't stop laughing too.

" He is trying his best to control his facial expressions but appa doesn't know that we are very skillful at noticing them " Hobi said and yoongi nodded at him with a smile.

"Your father pretends to be cold hearted because of the business and his workload. But he actually has a softer side. He is soft from inside and he loves you all a lot. " Mrs. Min said looking at the direction her husband went and her face was lit up with a smile and her eyes were glistening with happy tears.


Y/n and Taehyung was driven to the hotel that they will be checking into by Jackson and his team. He was waiting for taehyung with 9 of his other subordinates at the airport.

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