Chapter 63 - Yenvic ♡

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"You think you should listen to what he has to say. That will be the only way you can decide whether you are going to forgive him or not taehyungie" seokjin told taehyung and leaned on the couch watching his younger brother.

"Appa was always rude,ignorant,careless and arrogant towards you. I know that and i accept that more than anything but right now he regrets everything he did and he wants to apologize to you. So i think you should let him. Please" the elder added again hoping that his brother would agree with his request. "But even if you decide against what i say, i totally understand you tae but don't take any decision that you will later regret. Alright?" Seokjin said taking a sip of the coffee y/n served them a little while ago.

"I dont know. I never thought about it and i honestly can't tell right now what i am going to do. I want you to talk about this with my wife and then i will give hyung an answer" taehyung replied with a serious expression.

"Okay tae. Take your time and let me know . Whatever you decide to do, i accept that and i love you more than anything. Remember that" seokjin said hugging his brother before leaving Taehyung's house.

Once seokjin left, taehyung closed the door and went looking for y/n and found her in the kitchen making japchae for lunch. She smiled at taehyung when she saw him in the kitchen and the male walked to her and back hugged her placing his chin on y/n s shoulder.

Y/n noticed that something was off with Taehyung so she turned around and looked into his eyes. "What is it Taehyungie? What is wrong?" The girl asked in a concerned voice.

"You know how much my parents have mistreated me since i was a kid right?" Taehyung asked and y/n just hummed at him wanting him to explain her the situation.

"Apparently appa has understood that what he did to me was wrong so he wants to talk to me and apologize to me. Seokjin hyung told me to think well and decide what i am going to do. But honestly, i don't know what i am supposed to do . I don't know whether i want to forgive them or not" Taehyung said and y/n saw how tears fill into his eyes when he was remembering his past experiences. The girl therefore hugged taehyung gently and caressed his back trying to soothe him.

"I think that you should talk about it with your father and listen to what he has to say Taehyungie. Only if so you will be able to forget whatever happned and move on. Right????" Y/n said softly voicing out her opinion. "This is just my point of view baby. But now, take your time and think well about what you want and what you don't want. It will make it easier for you to decide" she added and looked at Taehyung again.

"Come, sit here. I will make you a glass of fruit juice. It will give you more energy to do your thinking" y/n said escorting the male to a comfortable chair.


"Thank you so much for inviting me to your place and deciding to listen to what i have to say son." Hanbin told taehyung as they sat in the living room with seokjin and y/n.

"Mm hmm" that was all taehyung said and y/n immediately took his hand in hers because she knew that he was not very comfortable talking like this.

"I know this is not fair for you taehyung but i really want to clear the air because it was not my intention to hurt you like i did in the past. I just was not at home most of the time and when i returned all i could hear was your negative points and that was what made me think wrong about you. I am so sorry that i didn't look into what i heard in fact all i did was blindly believe whatever your mother and her maid told me"
Hanbin said and taehyung felt a tug in his heart hearing how his mother has lied to his father about him.

"But why, why did eomma lie to you about me?" Taehyung literally stuttered in shock and seeing Taehyung's reaction, y/n quickly held his hand in hers giving it a little squeeze and that made taehyung at ease feeling his wife's gentle touch of reassurance.

"She was never a gentle woman was she? Even to seokjin, she was tough most of the time." Hanbin said "but i can never hate her because she is the woman i love and only because of her, i have two amazing sons" he added and looked at Taehyung.

"I am.." but he didn't get to speak anymore because taehyung stopped him and the younger started to talk.

"Don't apologize anymore appa. I don't hate you or i don't resent you at all. I was never mad you for the way you and eomma treated me since i was a kid. Every time it happened what i thought was that you guys might have reasons and i might not be a good son for.."

"You were never a bad son taehyungie" mr. Kim said but taehyung spoke up.

"Please let me finish appa."

"So anyways i adjusted myself and i learnt to be independent. And i am so thankful to both if you for making me marry such an amazing woman who lit up my whole world. Y/n gave light to my life and gave me a reason to laugh. She taught me what true love is and she loved me in situations where I couldn't love myself. So thank you so much for that appa. I was mad and pissed off at you only when you tried to meddle in my marriage and when you tried to put shit about my woman in my mind to break us apart. That was the only time when i was fucking mad at you" taehyung said meaning every word he spoke.

"Tae , language" seokjin said in a soft voice but hanbin shook his head saying that it's fine.

"I am so sorry my son. I didn't realize certain things until recently but now that i do, i regret everything. I apologize wholeheartedly and i am willing to do anything to make you forgive me." Saying that he looked at y/n.
"I am so sorry y/n-ssi. I did a sin and i regret it. I hope you can forgive me" he added and y/n being the kind hearted person she is, smiled at the elder and spoke.
"Its alright ahbonnim. You don't have to apologize to me" she said with a smile and looked at taehyung who was watching her the entire time.

Taehyung let out a sigh and looked at his father. "Let us Forget whatever happened appa and start fresh. Don't apologize to me anymore because i forgive you. I forgave you a long time ago" saying that taehyung gave his father a quick hug but hanbin didn't pull away from it as he held on to his son.

"Thank you tae. Thank you so much." Tears rolled down his eyes as he thanked the younger and seeing the interaction between the father and the son made the eyes teary of seokjin and y/n as well.

"And appa, i don't think you know about this, you are going to be a grandfather" taehyung said with a smile after pulling away from the hug and the elder Kim's eyes widened in shock and tears fell down his eyes as he pulled taehyung again into a bone crushing hug and seeing that made seokjin burst into laughter.

"Oh my god i am so happy. Congratulations my son and daughter. I cannot wait to see my grandchild" he said smiling from ear to ear while hugging taehyung tightly.

"Thank you so much appa. Come let us go have some dinner before you leave." Taehyung said pulling away from the hug and escorted his father and his elder brother to the dining table.


"Are you sure that she won't get a hint?" Taehyung asked from soobin and he smiled with a nod.

"I will make sure of it. You just take care of the rest" he said making taehyung wonder what plan must be running in y/n s best friend's mind



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