Chapter 40 - Biblichor ♡

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*I couldn't proofread. Please excuse me for any mistakes*

Before they left to the set from the hotel, Taehyung asked namjoon to get him a car so that he could drive with the girl and have fun after he was done with the shoot. The elder didn't agree with it in the beginning but after Taehyung whined for sometime, he allowed him to go. Namjoon knew that he had ABSOLUTELY NO RIGHT to control taehyung but he was just worried about the younger male's security.

Since Taehyung was a world famous celebrity, a lot of people knew him and there was a huge chance of him being followed by paparazzi if he is walking without security. Namjoon tried to explain it to taehyung but the younger male didn't want to go with security because he wanted it to be his private time with y/n. So finally, namjoon made him agree to wear a mask and a cap which will cover is face and identity. And after a lot of effort, he also got taehyung to agree with him to take two guards with them.

"Where are we goinggggg???" Y/n asked from Taehyung for the hundredth time but the male laughed it off without replying to the girl.

Taehyung was driving and y/n was sitting in the passenger seat while singing along to the music which was playing in the radio.

" I am really impatient to know where you are taking me, Tae" y/n said showing puppy eyes to taehyung .

"You will see it soon baby. I am sure that you are gonna like it there" he said and focused on driving.

"Wait we are gonna walk around new York right???" Y/n asked from the male and he just nodded with a soft smile on his face.

"Yayyy.. I've always wanted to visit New York with my lover and I am so happy that it's becoming a reality " the girl screamed while staring out of the car window.

"Look we are here" taehyung said after a few minutes and parked the car infront of a huge ancient type building.

"OH MY GOD!! THE METROPOLITAN MUSEUM OF ART!!!!" Y/n looked at the building and tried to scream but a whisper was all that left her mouth because she was too excited and surprised

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"OH MY GOD!! THE METROPOLITAN MUSEUM OF ART!!!!" Y/n looked at the building and tried to scream but a whisper was all that left her mouth because she was too excited and surprised.

"Pinch me "

"What??" Hearing what the younger said, Taehyung asked from her with an amused face.

"Please pinch me Tae. I wanna make sure that I am not dreaming " y/n said turning her head to look at taehyung.

Taehyung knew what he should do so without any second thoughts, he cupped y/n s cheek and crashed his lips on hers making the girl gasp due to the sudden kiss. But y/n quickly kissed back wounding her hands around Taehyung's neck and tilting her head so that the elder would be able to deepen the kiss.

Taehyung sucked y/n s lower lip like he was starving and traced her lips with his tongue asking for further entrance. Immediately the girl's lips parted in response and taking that chance, taehyung slid his tongue into her warm mouth making sure to taste every bit of it. They kissed passionately for quite a some time and finally the male pulled away gently and pecked y/n s lips once again and looked at her eyes.

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