Chapter 61 - Yeoubi ♡

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*Couldn't proofread. sorry for the mistakes*

Tears were streaming down y/n s eyes as seokjin was driving in full speed to the hospital . It was like the car got wings out of nowhere because the elder was literally making the car fly.

Y/n felt like her heart was about to explode when she remembered what Yoongi told her when she answered to the call.

"Come to the hospital as soon as you can, its taehyung"

That was all yoongi could say because the girl disconnected the call and ran to the car.

"It's about my taehyungie oppa, yoongs called me and asked me to come to the hospital as soon as possible" y/n told to seokjin in a shaky voice because she knew that seokjin should know about what is happening. Seokjin guessed that before seeing y/n s reaction but hearing it from herself made his heart heavy because he was worried about his little brother's condition.

As soon as seokjin parked the car in the hospital car park, y/n threw herself out of the car and ran to the VIP ward followed by Seokjin to check on taehyung. Both of them reached the ward in which Taehyung was admitted to and the girl ran to the room without even waiting for seokjin and as soon as she got inside she broke into loud sobs seeing the person who was looking at her with a beautiful smile on his face.

You all know who that is, it was him, her husband Taehyung who has woken up after being in a coma for 4 long months .


Y/n didn't waste a single second, she ran to taehyung who was sitting on the bed by leaning on to the headboard and engulfed him in a bone crushing hug and feeling how Taehyung hugged her back gently, feeling his hands around her made y/n s sobs to grow louder because she still felt like she was in a dream.

Seokjin, yoongi and hobii along with the doctors and nurses were watching the young couple and they also teared up seeing how emotional it was.

Y/n knew, hoped that Taehyung would wake up soon but she didn't expect him to wake up this soon because she knew that it takes time to heal from a coma. But seeing how Taehyung healed and woke up, she actually believed that her prayers have been answered because every night, all she did was pray and pray and pray, asking taehyung to wake up.

"Princess the doctor said he wanted to talk to you" Y/n heard Hobi's voice and she gently pulled away from the hug but still held taehyung's hand and looked at professor Son who was watching them with a smile on his face.

"Oh I am sorry professor, I didn't notice that you were here" Y/n told her senior with a sheepish smile.

"Oh no worries doctor Y/n. I understand how emotionally overwhelmed you must be" Professor son said and looked at Taehyung. "Mr.Kim is doing really good Y/n. He should receive muscle therapy for sometime because he might find it hard to walk after being on the bed continuously for a long time. Except for that, he will be fine and he can go home tomorrow or day after tomorrow." He added and hearing about the current health condition of Taehyung made all the family members happy because all of them wanted nothing more than the model being healthy and safe.

"I will come back in the evening to check on you Mr. Kim. Have a good time with your wife. She has been living in the hospital for the past 4 months " the professor said with a chuckle and left the room with the nurses.

"We will go out and come baby. Call us if you two need anything" Yoongi said signalling the other two males to go  out so that the young couple would have sometime for themselves.

"Taehyungie" y/n whispered,snaking her hands around her husband once again after the others left the room .

"You are here, you are actually here" tears streamed down her eyes as she whispered those words to Taehyung while caressing his back. "I am here my love, I am not going anywhere. I am here with you and I will always be here" Taehyung said kissing the side of Y/n's head with so much love and he was also tearing up because he missed Y/n more than anything.

"How are you baby? How is my little one growing inside you? Could you tell me everything I missed when i was unconcious?" Taehyung said with a smile while pulling away from the hug and he saw how excited and impatient y/n was to spill the tea.

And they didn't feel time passing, they talked and talked and talked through out the night until both of them fell asleep in each others embrace on the hospital bed.


"Don't you understand what it means?? STOP SHOUTING"

"You are the one who is screaming hyung"

"Both of you,SHUT UP"

Taehyung woke up hearing the bickering sounds of Seokjin, hobii and yoongi inside the room and Y/n was still fast asleep next to him so the younger male slowly looked at his hyungs making sure not to disturb Y/n s sleep. 

"Good morning Hyungs" Taehyung merely whsiphered and all the three males looked at him and smiled at him. 

"Gummorninggg!!! Sorry that you woke up because of their bickering Tae. How are you feeling now?" Yoongi asked in a low voice and Taehyung chuckled at the facial expressions of seokjin and hobii when yoongi put the blame on them. 

"I am feeling so much better hyung. I m happy see all of you after so long. I was honestly scared that I wouldn't be able to come back but i am so thankful that i am healthy and getting better" Taehyung said and Hobii smiled lovingly at the younger male.

"You know what Taehyungie. Even when the doctors doubted your condition, Y/n belived in you saying over and over again that you will wake up and that you are going to get better in no time. She lived in the hospital next to you and this is the first time in 4 months that i saw her sleeping this peacefully" Hobi said hearing that made Taehyung's eyes filled with tears. 

"You are not supposed to each any kind of hard foods yet so we brought you a soup and juice." Sekjin said gesturing at the bag on the counter.

"Thank you so much Hyungs, I will have them after my wife wakes up alright?" Taehyung said  and seokjin nodded at his brother with a smile.

"By the way, you will have your final checkups today and if all the reports come out normal, you can go home in the evening." Seokjin added and Taehyung smiled at him in response. 

"Got it hyung. Thank you so much for everything, thank you for looking after y/n when i wasn't here and for helping her to stay strong."Taehyung said looking at the elders with so much gratitude.

"She is our little sister and we obviously would do anything for her and we love you so much too Taehyungie. All we wanted was to see you being healthy. Thank youu for waking up.Thank you for coming back to us" Yoongi said making other two elders nod in agreement.

"We should take our leave now, we wil come back to pick you up in the evening okay?" they said and left leaving taehyung with his soundly sleeping wife.

"I love youu baby" Taehyung kissed y/n on the lips swiftly and cuddled with her wanting her to have a very good sleep.



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