Chapter 39 - Rantipole♡

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On the day after Taehyung left home to fly to New York

"Yoongs, I need your help please" Y/n called her elder brother and said.

"What's it bub? Is everything alright??" Yoongi asked from her little sister in a concerned voice.

"Yeah and no." Y/n said and yoongi sighed from the other end.

"What does that actually mean Mrs. Kim ? " He asked in a serious voice. " If you need help, I guess you should probably explain it in a way that I can understand " the elder said wondering what his sister want help with.

"Tae wanted me to go to his photo shoot with him oppa. But I said I can't be because I have my thesis to complete. " Y/n said in her worried voice. " He was so excited to go with me but I couldn't go" she added and waited for yoongis reply.

" Can't you go to see him after you hand over your thesis? The shoot must be in Seoul right? " Yoongi asked and heard y/n letting out a deep sigh.

"Wait, don't tell me that it's in some other country?" Yoongi asked again but he didn't have to wait for long to hear y/n s answer because she screamed from the other end.


"Well then , go to his shoot some other time y/n. It's not like you can disappear from here and appear in New York within seconds. The flight itself is 13 hours long." Yoongi said trying figure out a way to help the younger.

"Oh wait. Have you completed the thesis?" Yoongi asked and y/n replied after thinking for a while.

" I have written two thirds of it oppa. I have to type and take printouts. " Y/n said and yoongi hummed in to the phone.

"Call the professor and ask whether u can handover the thesis tomorrow. If he says says, come to our place with all the material and your laptop. Me and hobi will type the document while you complete the rest" yoongi said and hearing that felt a wave of relief wash over her.

" Okay I will do that yoongs. Thank you so much" saying that y/n disconnected the phone and dialled her professor's number.

Since professor min hyun agreed to what y/n said, she took everything that she needed to complete the thesis and went to her parent's house.

Yoongi and hobi helped her so much and all three of them slept only for 30 minutes because they had to complete the thesis by dawn. Just before y/n had to leave to the hospital, they were able to take printouts of the typed thesis and bind it into a book.

"Woahh I am so thankful yoongs and Hobii. If not for you two, I wouldn't be able to finish this at all" the younger said after hugging both her elder brothers.

"It's nothing much princess. By the way you look like a total mess " Hobi said letting out a soft chuckle.

"My appearance is the last thing I care about right now Hobii." Y/n said and kissed Hobi and yoongi on their cheeks.

" I ll see you all in the afternoon alrighty?" She said and ran out of the house towards her car.

"Make sure to read it once before you hand over the thesis!!!" The girl heard yoongi say and she shouted an okayy back to him.

She was able to talk to taehyung for a while after she reached the hospital and then only y/n started reading the thesis again. That was when she had to listen to her best friend's worried complainings about her not sleeping properly.

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