Chapter 54 - Ciel ♡

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" Hyunggg!!" Taehyung hugged the elder as soon as he appeared on the doorstep of the model's house. Namjoon was caught off guard by this sudden gesture of the younger but he gently hugged taehyung back with a smile on his face.

"You look very happy taehyungie. What's the reason?" Namjoon asked , still standing at the doorstep.
"I will tell you everything hyung. First come in " saying that Taehyung invited Namjoon to come into the house and escorted him to the living room offering him a seat on the couch.

"I am going to be a father"Thats the only thing that escaped taehyung's mouth and as soon as the elder heard this, namjoon's eyes went wide to the size of saucers. "Wait whattt?" He asked again just to clarify what he just heard and taehyung nodded vigorously in response with the biggest smile on his face.

"Oh my god" saying that namjoon stood up from where he was sitting and trapped the younger in a bone crushing hug. " congratulations taehyungie. Oh my holy god I can't believe that my baby is going to be a father already. You grew up so fast taehyungie" namjoon was saying and taehyung felt his shirt getting wet and he pulled away to see tears flowing down namjoons eyes as he was extremely happy and excited for the younger.

"God!!! Dont cry hyungie. I am so happy that you came here right now. I was just about to call you to inform you about this" taehyung said sitting back on the couch with namjoon.

The elder wiped off the happy tears that were still glistening on his cheeks and looked at taehyung and started to speak. " I have something to tell you taehyungie. But before that where is y/n? Did she go to work?" Namjoon asked and taehyung replied with a smile. "No hyung. She is upstairs taking a shower." He said and joon nodded at him in response.
"Oh that is good. Look taehyungie, Eunwoo found out who was behind all those messages you received. You are not going to like what i am about to tell you" he said in a serious voice making taehyung raise his brows in curiosity. "Check for yourself " saying that Namjoon gave the tracking report to Taehyung.

The younger took the envelope with shaking hands and took out the paper that was inside it and started to read it. "Oh" that was all he said while he was reading it and once he was done, he threw the paper on to the table and leaned back on the couch.
"Are you okay?" Namjoon asked with a concerned voice because he expected taehyung to react more aggressively to this but the younger seemed to he suppressing his anger without letting it out.

" i knew this hyung. I assumed that he must have been behind all this. Because i have heard several things from people and also from my wife, she told me that he came to see her at the hospital a few days ago" taehyung said with a sigh. " he has always made me whatever he wanted. But this time i am not gonna let him hurt my wife or me..or our baby" he added again in a very determined voice.

"I knew your father was someone who can do anything to expand his power and for money but this is far beyond the limit taehyungie. What are you going to about this now? Are you going to go and talk to him?" Namjoon asked but taehyung didnt get to reply to it since y/n came to the living room making both the males silent.

"Talk to who tae?" Y/n asked taheyung as she came to them with a full smile. " hello joonie oppa. Its very nice to see you again" she said and sat down next to taehyung on the couch.
"Oh nothing special baby. We were talking about the new projects I received and whether i should talk to the directors soon or not" taehyung quickly said making up a believable white lie. That was when he spotted the tracking report on the table and he was praying that his girl wouldn't see it and thankfully she was busy talking to them so she didn't notice it.

"Hello y/n. Its so good to see you too . By the way congratulations on your pregnancy. I am so happy for you two" namjoon said with his sincere warm smile and y/n smiled beautifully at him in return because she was so happy to share their good news with others. " i ll go get something for you two to drink. Gimme 5 minutes" saying that y/n walked to the kitchen leaving the two males in the living room.

"So?" Namjoon asked once y/n was no where she could hear them. " i know what i have to do hyung. I am going to end this shit one way or another" taehyung said in a very stern voice even giving chills to namjoon


This is a very short filler chapter . I apologize I couldn't update yall soon because i have a slight issue with my sight these days, i cant actually keep on looking at a screen more than few minutes. I am getting better so i will update this as soon as i can. Thank you so much

And happy new year lovies❤️


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