Chapter 28 - Diaphonous♡

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Taehyung opened his eyes feeling an unfamiliar weight on his chest. He remembered how y/n came to sleep with him last night and the male's lips curled into a happy smile.
Taehyung looked at the girl who was resting her head on his chest sleeping peacefully with one of her small arms wrapped around his body. He caressed her hair with his free hand carefully making sure not to disturb her slumber.

Taehyung looked at her for sometime and kissed y/ns forehead lovingly and let his lips linger there for a while. When he pulled away, the girl murmured something in her sleep and it made him chuckle softly. Within seconds y/n slowly opened her eyes and looked at taehyung who was staring her with eyes full of love.

"Gummorning Tae" she said in her sleepy voice and cuddled more closer to him making him eventually laugh at her adorableness.

"Morning princess" he replied kissing the girl on her hair and wrapped his arm around her pulling her even more closer to him.

"What's the time?" Y/n asked rubbing her eyes and taehyung checked his phone before replying to the girl.

"10 minutes to 8 " he said and y/ns eyes shot opened hearing the time.

"Oh god we slept in. I need to make breakfast for you to eat before you leave for work" she said trying to sit up but Taehyung gently pulled her back on top of him.

"Can we skip work today and spend time together?" Taehyung asked y/n with hopeful eyes because he really wanted to spend more time together with the girl.

Y/n thought for a while and looked at the male with a smile on her face. "Well, I can do that but what about your schedules?" She asked and taehyung smiled at her with a slight smirk.
"I really don't care about my schedules and work if I can be with you" he said and hugged y/n again and she immediately wrapped her arms around him hugging him back.

"Let's sleep some more shall we? I am so sleepy because I had to stay up late to memorize the lines of a damned drama script" taehyung said and yawned followed by the girl.

"I guess yawns are contagious" y/n chuckled and said. "and okay, let us sleep some more. I am kinda sleepy too" she added and the model nodded at her with a grateful smile.

Taehyung felt his eyelids getting heavier within seconds and he already fell asleep. Y/n watched him with a smile mixed with a pout and closed her eyes to sleep some more.


Y/n tried to cuddle taehyung but not feeling him, she swiftly opened her eyes to find his sleeping spot empty. She frowned and looked around but he was not in his room. He must've gone downstairs. Y/n thought and got down from the bed. She went to the attached bathroom in Taehyung's room and washed her mouth.

Y/n arranged the bed after walking out of the bathroom and went to her room to do her morning routine. She brushed her teeth and did her morning routine before changing out of her pajamas. She put on her flip flops and walked downstairs to look for taehyung.

The smell of grilled meat reached y/n s nose when she was walking down the stairs. She quickly went to the kitchen and saw taehyung frying something on a pan. His back was facing her and he was wearing a short and a cotton t shirt. His honey skin and thick thighs were very visible because of his shorts and y/n was staring at it sometime that she didn't even know for how long.

The girl came back to the reality hearing Taehyung call her. " Like what you see princess?" He asked her with a smirk on his face and it made y/n blush and her cheeks reddened like ripened tomatos.

She smiled shyly and taehyung laughed before returning back to what he was doing. The girl walked to him slowly and wrapped her arms around Taehyung's waist and looked at the pan which was on the stove.

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